Vads is varknow ads implementation to show ads in banner and interstitial for React Native
Use the npm to install vads:
npm install vads
you can also use yarn:
yarn add vads
you also need to install @expo/vector-icons :
npm install @expo/vector-icons
yarn add @expo/vector-icons
Usage Banner
import { Banner } from 'vads'
return (
<Banner />
Usage interstitial
import { interstitial } from 'vads'
return (
<interstitial />
Banner Props
Props | Required | Defualt | Type | Description |
width | true | 320 | number | width of banner |
height | false | 320 | number | height of banner |
containerProps | false | null | ViewProps | you can change banner main container props with this prop |
containerStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
you can change banner main container style with this prop |
textProps | false | null | TextProps | change banner text props |
textStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change banner text style |
buttonContainerStyle | false | null | StyleProp |
change button container style |
buttonTextStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change button text style |
interstitial Props
Props | Required | Defualt | Type | Description |
variant | false | "IMAGE" | "IMAGE" OR "VIDEO" | indicate interstitial variant |
width | true | 320 | number OR string | width of interstitial |
height | true | 320 | number OR string | height of interstitial |
imageWidth | true | 320 | number | width of image OR video |
imageHeight | true | 320 | number | height of image OR video |
top | false | null | number | indicate top offset of view |
right | false | null | number | indicate right offset of view |
bottom | false | null | number | indicate bottom offset of view |
left | false | null | number | indicate left offset of view |
containerStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
you can change interstitial main container style with this prop |
textStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change interstitial text style |
imageStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change Image OR Video style |
counterTextStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change counter text style |
buttonContainerStyle | false | null | StyleProp |
change button container style |
buttonTextStyles | false | null | StyleProp |
change button text style |
time | false | 15 | number | indicate how long show ad |
onClose | false | () => void | () => void | function to close ad |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.