
Create symlinks for easy use of npm in Vagrant synced folders.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vagrantPm from '';


Vagrant Package Manager

This is not actually a package manager, but rather a helper to make npm work nicer with shared folders in Vagrant.

Setup Vagrant

  • Add a customize line into your Vagrantfile:

Replace <synced folder> with the path to your synced folder. With a default vagrant setup the path would simply be /vagrant.

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
  v.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/<synced folder>", "1"]
  • Run your terminal (Command Prompt, Git Bash, Powershell, ...) in Administrator mode. Simply right click on the app icon and select "Run as Administrator". Then setup vagrant as normal:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

NOTE: Make sure you run vagrant up while in Administrator mode.


$ sudo npm install -g vagrant-pm


Initialize Symlink

$ cd my-project
$ vpm init
Created link node_modules -> /home/vagrant/.vagrant_modules/my-project/node_modules

By default the symlink will be created in $HOME/.vagrant_modules, it can be overidden with the VPM_MODULES_PATH environment variable:

$ export VPM_MODULES_PATH=/tmp/foo
$ vpm init
Created link node_modules -> /tmp/foo/my-project/node_modules

Clean out modules

Delete the symlink and the modules in the target.

$ vpm clean
Cleaned node_modules.