
Generate HTML markup for highlighting segments of text

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vala from '';



Build Status

Generate HTML markup for highlighting segments of text


vala demo animation

Under development

Includes a jQuery plugin

See the demo source folder for example usage.

Open index.html in the dist folder to see the demo project in action.


npm install vala


vala usage

const vala = require('vala')

Vala takes a string and a list of segments and returns html markup generated from the segments list.

const source = "And they lived happily ever after."

const segments = [{
  start: 15,
  length: 'happily'.length

const markup = vala(source, segments)


And they lived <span class="vala">happily</span> ever after.

vala Signature

vala(text: string, segments: vala.Segment[], defaultClass?: string): string

// text: the source text to mark up.
// segments: a list of vala segments.
// defaultClass: a class to apply to all marked up segments (default: vala).

vala Segments

interface Segment {
  start: number    // The start offset of the segment
  end?: number     // The end offset of the segment (or use 'length')
  length?: number  // The length of the segment (ignored if 'end' is used)
  tag?: string     // The tag to wrap with (default: 'span')
  cls?: string     // A class string for the segment (class="vala [cls]")
  attrs?: {[key:string]: string}  // Custom attributes added to the tag
  data?: {[key:string]: string}   // Data attributes added to the tag
const source = "And they lived happily ever after."

const segments = [{
  start: 15,
  end: 22,
  cls: 'highlight',
  data: {id: 1}

const markup = vala(source, segments)


And they lived
<span class="vala highlight" data-id="1">happily</span>
ever after.

Multiple overlapping segments.

Vala segments can overlap. This results in nested markup that preserves segment data for each tag generated.

const source = "And they lived happily ever after."

const segments = [{
  start: 4,
  end: 33,
  tag: 'em',
  data: {id: 1}
}, {
  start: 15,
  length: 7,
  tag: 'strong',
  data: {id: 2}
}, {
  start: 23,
  end: 33,
  tag: 'strike',
  data: {id: 3}

// Pass null as the third arg to remove the default class.
const markup = vala(source, segments, null)


<em data-id="1">they lived </em>
<strong data-id="2">
  <em data-id="1">happily</em>
</strong><em data-id="1"> </em>
<strike data-id="3">
  <em data-id="1">ever after</em>

renders as

And they lived happily ever after.

Although this is a simple example of overlapping, vala segments can overlap in complex and arbitrary ways.

vala jquery plugin

The jquery plugin wraps vala and provides some additional functionality for creating highlights in rendered html "paragraphs" or vala "hosts". See the vala demo source which was used to create the following demo animation:

vala demo animation

Note that the demo includes code for creating in-page highlights both with and without the jquery plugin.

To make use of the plugin, add the class vala-host to a plain-text element:

<p class="vala-host">Right size, right build, right hair, right on.</p>

The plugin monitors all .vala-host elements in existence at the time the plugin is configured (.vala-host is the default host selector).

Configure the plugin:

  // Attach to the body or some other parent container.
  const vala = $('body').vala({},
    // The callback is issued whenever the user selects text
    // in a vala host element.
    // The 'event' argument contains the jquery mouseup event.
    // The 'id' argument contains a unique, monotonic highlight id.
    // The 'range' argument contains data about the selection,
    // including its start and end offsets, and the selected substring.
    // The 'done' argument is a callback that can be issued for
    // asynchronous behavior.
    function (event, id, range, done) {
      // Either return a list of highlights...
      return [{
        start: range.start,
        end: range.end
      // ...or call 'done' for async behavior...
      // done([...])
      // ...or return a promise for async behavior...
      // return new Promise((resove, reject) => {
      //   resolve([...])
      // })


<p class="vala-host">
  Right size, right build, right hair,
  <span class="vala">right on</span>

The above result assumes that "right on" was selected by the user in the browser.

Note: vala hosts should be plain text containers: vala will replace the contents of the container with the highlight markup.

Plugin options

// These are the default options.
const options = {
  host: '.vala-host', // the host selector
  cls: 'vala',        // the default class for all highlights
  useTagData: true,   // Preprocess the dom for 'data-vala' attributes
  trimText: true      // Trim a host's text before rendering highlights

const vala = $('body').vala(options, function (event, id, range) {...})

data-vala attributes

Vala hosts can be preconfigured with hightlight data if desired; just make sure it's in JSON format.

<span class="vala-host"
  data-vala='[{"start": 19, "length": 7, "tag": "em"}]'>
  Listen, Mr. Kansas Law Dog. Law don't go around here. Savvy?


<span class="vala-host">
  Listen, Mr. Kansas
  <em class="vala">Law Dog</em>
  . Law don't go around here. Savvy?
Listen, Mr. Kansas Law Dog . Law don't go around here. Savvy?

Plugin interface

const vala = $('body').vala({}, function (event, id, range) {...})

render returns a marked-up string. Call this function if you want to create markup for elements independent of the plugin's host mouseup mechanism.

const markup = vala.render('one two three four', [{start: 8, length: 5}])
// The render method can also take a third argument, defaultClass.
// Leave this undefined to use the plugin's default class. Set to null
// to use no default class.


one two <span class="vala">three</span> four

unbind removes all host mouseup listeners. Call this function if you want the plugin to stop listening for host mouseup events. This behavior can be reversed with a call to monitor.

processTagData processes all host elements with data-vala attributes. Call this function if you're adding data-vala attributes to vala host elements dynamically after the plugin is instantiated.

monitor adds mouseup listeners to all host elements. Call this function if you've added vala host elements dynamically after the plugin is instantiated, or have previously called unbind.