
A library that handles validation and sanitization of models using the model structure

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validModels from '';


Valid Models

A library for validating JavaScript objects



  • Added sanitization library to help remove unwanted fields when transferring objects


  • added ability to put $error inside Boolean specifiers instead of $andError etc.
  • fixed bug with the $all error messages repeating for each specifier
  • fixed other miscellaneous bugs


  • added ability to use custom validator functions for methods
  • cleaned up clutter

previous versions

  • Initial commits and sanitization

Simple to Use

Initial Setup

var userValidation = {
   name: {
      hasValue: true,
      hasValueError: 'Please enter your name'
   phone: {
      hasValue: true,
      hasValueError: 'Please enter your phone',
      match: /[0-9]{10}/,
      matchError: 'Please enter a valid 10-digit phone number'
   location: {
     address: {
        minLength: 10,
        minLengthError: 'Enter a valid address'
     city: {
        $and: {
           hasValue: true,
           minLength: 3
        $andError: 'Please enter a valid city'
     state: {
        maxLength: 2,
        $all: 'Please enter a valid 2-letter state'

Now validate your models

var userValidation = require('./somemodels').userValidation;
var validator = require('valid-models').validator();

var myUserModel = {
   name: 'John Smith',
   phone: '1231231234A',
   location: {
      address: '123 JavaScript Street',
      city: 'Chromeville',
      state: 'CAL'
   optionalField: null

validator.validate(myUserModel, userValidation, function(errs) {


    error:"Please enter a valid 10-digit phone number"

    error:"Please enter a valid 2-letter state"

Now in version 0.1.0

Sanitize your models

var sanitizer = require('valid-models').sanitizer();

var myModel = {
   username: 'coolbeans123',
   passHash: 'e3f2-3f1f-32f3-244b',
   salt: 'fuzzywuzzywasabear',
   name: {
      first: 'John',
      middle: 'Joshua',
      last: 'McJacobson'

// Sanitizer structure object. Keep the specified fields
var sanitized = {
  username: true,
  name: {
     first: true,
     last: true

sanitizer.keepFields(myModel, sanitized);
/* Resulting in myModel sanitized in place:
    username: 'coolbeans123',
    name: {
      first: 'John',
      last: 'McJacobson'

Or use withoutFields method which does the opposite (deletes specified fields);

var purger = {
  passHash: true,
  salt: true,
  name: {
    middle: true

sanitizer.withoutFields(myModel, purger);