
JavaScript validator.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validall from '';



JavaScript validator.


npm install Validall

Class Validall: (options: IOptions): Validall

import { Validall } from "Validall";

let validator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $meta: { title: 'User Schema' },
    $strict: true,
    $props: {
      username: { $type: 'string', $to: ['trim', 'lowercase'], $required: true },
      email: { $is: 'email' },
      password: { $regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6,}$/ },
      roles: { $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'], $inRange: [1, 2] $message: 'unknown role!!' },
      age: { $gte: 18 },
      active: { $cast: 'boolean', $default: true }
      posts: { $length: { $lte: 20 }, $each: { $ref: 'Post' } },
      address: {
        $required: true,
        $instanceof: Address

let isValid = validator.validate(user);

if (!isValid)

errors v3.*

Validall provides two types of errors:

  • ValidallInvalidArgsError.
  • ValidallValidationError.


InvalidArgsErrors are thrown once the validator has been instantiated and had schema arguments errors.

try {
  let validator = new Validall({
    id: 'User',
    schema: {
      $props: { name: { $type: 5 } }
} catch (err) {
  // ValidallInvalidArgsError: invalid $type method argument 5
  //  method: $type
  //  expected: valid type name
  //  got: 5
  //  path: $$type
  // invalid $type method argument 5

Other properties can be accessed are err.method, err.expected,, err.path.


In case validation failed, we can access the error message through validator.error:

let user = { name: 123 }
let isValid = validator.validate(user);

// ValidallValidationError: expected name of type string
//    method: $type.
//    expected: string.
//    got: 123.
//    path: name.
// expected name of type string

Other properties can be accessed are err.method, err.expected,, err.path.

We can add our custom messages as we will see later.

validate: (src: any, schema: ISchema, throwMode?: boolean): Error | never

Validall also provide a fast validate method for easy use validations validate.

import { validate } from 'validall';

let error = validate({ name: 123 }, { $props: { name: 'string' } });

validate function may throw ValidallInvalidArgsError in case of invalid schema provided.

Validall Params

SchemaOptions: ISchemaOptions required

When instantiating Validall some options needs to be provided:

  • id: string, required: name of instance so it can be referenced in other schemas, can be set to null to cancel refernciation.
  • schema: ISchema, required: schema object that handles the validations process.
  • required: boolean, optional: sets the default behavior of each field as required, default is false.
  • nullable: boolean, optional: sets the default behavior of each field as nullable, default is false.
  • filter: boolean, optional: sets the default behavior of each object to filter extra fields not included in schema, default is false.
  • strict: boolean, optional: sets the default behavior of each object to throw validation error for each extra field not included in schema, default is false.
  • throwMode: boolean, optional: force validator instance to throw errors instead of returning boolean value, default is false.
  • replaceSchema boolean, optional: forces schema replacement, default is false.
  • lazy boolean, optional: make schema validation done in the first use of the validator instead of on instanciating, default is false.

map: any optional

validall constructor accepts a map object, which lets you change your schema dynamically in some special cases.

let signupValidaltor = new Validall({
  id: 'Signup',
  schema: {
    $props: {
      email: { $type: 'string' },
      password: { $type: 'string', $regex: /^\w[\w_]{8,}$/ },
      repassword: { $equal: '$password' } // value from map
}, { password: '' });

// later you got signupData
// update map.password value
signupValidaltor.set('password', signupData.password);


ISchema Operators

$message: string | string[] v1.*

When any operator fails it throws its default message. This option allows to add custom error messages.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { email: { $is: 'email', $message: 'invalid user email' } }

Messages are template strings, there are some keywords that can be replaced with their actual values once the error is thrown.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { email: { $is: 'email', $message: 'invalid user email: {{got}}' } }

Keywords are the same properties in ValidallValidationError method, expected, got, path.

Messages can be an array of two string length, first is the actual message, and the other is some custom code for any reason.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { email: { $is: 'email', $message: ['invalid user email: {{got}}', 'E0012' ] } }

// 'E0012'

$message is not affected by negateMode.

$required: boolean v1.*

Marks the field as required.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { username: { $required: true, $type: 'string' } }

$required is not affected by negateMode.

$nullable: boolean v2.7.*

Assign a value of null to the current field if it was undefined.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { lastname: { $type: 'string', $nullable: true } }

Using $required operator with $nullable is useless. And using $nullable operator with $default is useless as well. $nullable is not affected by negateMode.

$default: any v1.*

Add a value to the current field if it was undefined.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { role: { $default: 'subscriber' } }

You can set the field to the current date by passing or as a string ''.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { createdAt: { $default: '' } }

Using $required operator with $default is useless. And using $nullable operator with $default is useless as well. $default is not affected by negateMode.

$filter: boolean v2.*

If set to true it cleans the src from any extra fields not specified in the schema.

let user = { name: 'john', age: 30 };

let error = validate(user, {
  $filter: true,
  $props: {
    name: 'string'

// { name: 'john' }

Setting $default inside schema overites the default behavior specified in Validall options. Using $strict operator with $filter is useless. $default is not affected by negateMode.

$strict: boolean | string[] v2.*

If set to true any extra fields that are not specified in the schema, will throw an error.

let user = { name: 'john', age: 30 };

let error = validate(user, {
  $strict: true,
  $props: {
    name: 'string'
}, 'user');

// age is out of src keys: name
//    method: $strict.
//    expected: not exist.
//    got: age.
//    path: .

$strict can be set to an array of string in case some extra fields are allowed

let user = { name: 'john', age: 30 };

let error = validate(user, {
  $strict: ['name', 'age'],
  $props: {
    name: 'string'
}, 'user');

// null

$strict is not affected by negateMode. Using $strict operator with $filter is useless.

$type: string v1.*

Validates the type of the value.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { username: { $type: 'string' } }

Supported Types:

  • 'number'
  • 'int'
  • 'float'
  • 'string'
  • 'boolean'
  • 'primitive' 'number, string or boolean'
  • 'date'
  • 'regexp'
  • 'object'
  • 'function'
  • 'array'

$type is not affected by negateMode.

$instanceof: function v3.*

Makes sure that src is instance of some constructor.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { contacts: { $instanceof: Contacts } }

$instanceof is not affected by negateMode.

$ref: string v3.*

$ref operator accepts an id of another Validall instance or imported schema.

let ArticleValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'Article',
  schema: { $props: { title: { $type: 'string' } } }

let UserSchema = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $props: {
      name: { $type: 'string' },
      articles: { $each: { $ref: 'Article' } }

$ref is not affected by negateMode.

$is: string v1.*

Tests the current value with a built in pattern.

For now $is only supports value | notEmpty | number | name | email | url | date patterns.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    // name: accepts space separated alphapatical string
    name: { $type: 'string' $is: 'name' },
    // value: undefined, null, empty string, "0", 0 all return false
    gender: { $is: 'value' },
    // number: accepts number or string of digits as "33"
    age: { $is: 'number' },
    // notEmpty: accepts string, array, objects which are not empty
    roles: { $is: 'notEmpty' }
    // email: clear
    email: { $type: 'string' $is: 'email' },
    // url: also clear
    website: { $type: 'string' $is: 'url' },
    // date: accepts date instance, string date, milliseconds number
    birth: { $is: 'date' }

It is a good practice to check the type first in case of name, email, url for clear error messages. $is is not affected by negateMode.

$equals: any v1.*

Checks if the src value is equal to the argumant provided.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { active: { $equals: true } }

$equals operator does a shallow comparative process ===

$deepEquals: any v2.*

Same as '$equals' operator, but has a deep comparative process.

let error = validate({response}, {
  $props: { response: { $deepEquals: previousResponse } }

$regex: RegExp v2.*

Tests the current value with a regular expression.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { password: { $regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8,16}$/ } }

$regex is not affected by negateMode.

$gt: number v1.*

Tests if the current value number is larger than a specific number.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { rank: { $gt: 3 } }

$gt is not affected by negateMode.

$gte: number v1.*

Tests if the current value number is larger than or equals to a specific number.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: { rank: { $gte: 4 } }

$gte is not affected by negateMode.

$lt: number v1.*

Tests if the current value number is less than a specific number.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: { likes: { $lt: 50 } }

$lt is not affected by negateMode.

$lte: v1.*

Tests if the current value number is less than or equals to a specific number.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: { likes: { $lte: 50 } }

$lte is not affected by negateMode.

$inRange: [number,number] v2.*

Tests if the current value number is between a specific range.

let error = validate(article, {
  // 5 and 50 are included.
  // if [50, 5] was provided, it will be reversed automatically
  $props: { read: { $inRange: [5, 50] } }

$length: IValidatorOperators v2.*

Puts the input length into the context.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    articles: { $length: { $equals: 10 } }
    // or
    articles: { $length: { $not: { $equal: 10 } } }
    // or
    articles: { $length: { $gt: 10 } }
    // or
    articles: { $length: { $inRange: [10, 20] } }

$length operator supports strings and arrays as an input. $length is not affected by negateMode.

$size: IValidatorOperators v1.*

Puts the input size into the context.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    details: { $size: { $equals: 10 } }
    // or
    details: { $size: { $not: { $equal: 10 } } }
    // or
    details: { $size: { $gt: 10 } }
    // or
    details: { $size: { $range: [10, 20] } }

$size is not affected by negateMode.

$keys: IValidatorOperators v2.*

Puts an object keys into the context

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    tools: { $keys: { $in: ['design', 'style', 'validation'] } }  // whatever
    // or
    tools: { $keys: { $length: { $equal: 3 } } }

$keys is not affected by negateMode.

$intersect: any[] v3.*

Checks if the the current input shares any items with the giving list or a single value.

let error = validate(users, {
  $props: {
    roles: { $intersect: ['admin', 'author'] }, // array with array
    order: { $intersect: [22, 34, 36] }  // single value with array

$include: any[] v1.*

Checks if input list items includes all items in the giving list.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    roles: { $include: ['subscriber'] }

$enum: any[] v1.*

Checks if input list items or string are all included in the giving list.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    roles: { $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'] }

$props: {[key: string]: ISchema} v2.*

Puts an object keys into the context

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    name: { $type: 'string' },
    gender: { $type: 'string', $enum: ['male', 'female'] }
  // added automatically if not added manually
  $type: 'object'

Using $props automatically adds $type operater set to object $props is not affected by negateMode.

$paths: {[key: string]: ISchema} v2.*

Puts an object path keys into the context

let error = validate(user, {
  $paths: {
    '': { $type: 'number' },
    'details.gender': { $type: 'string', $enum: ['male', 'female'] }
  // added automatically if not added manually
  $type: 'object'

Using $paths automatically adds $type operater set to object $paths is not affected by negateMode.

$each: ISchema v2.*

Validates each item in the input array with the provided schema

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    articles: {
      $each: {
        $props: {
          title: { $type: 'string' },
          content: { $type: 'string' }
        // added automatically if not added manually
        $type: 'array'

Using $each automatically adds $type operater set to array $each is not affected by negateMode.

$on: number | string | Date v1.*

Checks if the input date points to the same giving date.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: {
    publishDate: { $on: new Date("02-06-2016") }  // Date instance
    // or
    publishDate: { $on: "02-06-2016" }  // string
    // or
    publishDate: { $on: 123657624 }  // number

$on is not affected by negateMode.

$before: number | string | Date v1.*

Checks if the input data is before the giving date.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: {
    publishDate: { $before: new Date("02-06-2016") }  // Date instance
    // or
    publishDate: { $before: "02-06-2016" }  // string
    // or
    publishDate: { $before: 123657624 }  // number

$before is not affected by negateMode.

$after: number | string | Date v1.*

Checks if the input data is after the giving date.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: {
    publishDate: { $after: new Date("02-06-2016") }  // Date instance
    // or
    publishDate: { $after: "02-06-2016" }  // string
    // or
    publishDate: { $after: 123657624 }  // number

$after is not affected by negateMode.

$cast: string v2.2.*

Cast input to the specified type if applicable.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    age: { $cast: 'number' },         // "30" -> 30
    createdAt: { $cast: 'string' },   // date instance -> "15-12-2017"
    active: { $cast: 'boolean' },     // 1 -> true
    birthDate: { $cast: 'date' },     // "15-12-1988" -> date instance
    pattern: { $cast: 'regexp' },     // "abc" -> /abc/
    roles: { $cast: 'array' },        // "author" -> ["author"]  

supported types

  • number: can be casted from strings and booleans.
  • string: can be casted from numbers, booleans, dates, regexp, and functions, however objects and arrays will be converted to json string.
  • boolean: can be casted from any value.
  • date: can be casted from numbers and strings.
  • regexp: can bes casted from number, strings and booleans.
  • array: can be casted from any single value.

$cast is not affected by negateMode.

$to: string | string[] v2.2*

This operator accepts a pattern or list of patterns as an input, it applys all provided patterns to the current input

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    fullname: { $type: 'string', $to: ['trim', 'lowercase', 'capitalizeFirstAll' ] }

Built in modifiers

  • lowercase: lowercase all the characters in a string.
  • uppercase: capitalize all the characters in a string.
  • capitalizeFirst: capitalize only the first character in a string.
  • capitalizeFirstAll: capitalize the first character in each string separated by a space.
  • trim: trim white space from the start and the end of a string and any repeated space in the middle.
  • path: cleans a path from duplicated or repeated slashes also remove any end slashes and any unnecessary '../' in the middle of the path.

$to is not affected by negateMode.

$not: INegatableOperators v1.*

Negate children operators results.

let error = validate(article, {
  $props: {
    categories: { $not: { $intersect: ['news', 'sport', 'movies', 'science'] } } // no way in

$and: ISchema[] v1.*

Returns false if at least one operator in the list failed.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    role: { $and: [{ $type: 'string' }, { $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'] }]}
    // same as
    role: { $type: 'string[]', $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'] }

Both ways are the same, however using $and gives the abiltity to add our custom messages for each operator we use.

let error = validate(user, {
  $props: {
    role: { $and: [
      { $type: 'string', $message: 'type fail custom message' },
      { $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'], $message: 'enum fail custom message' }
    // or
    role: {
      $type: 'string',
      $enum: ['admin', 'author', 'subscriber'],
      $message: 'both type and enum fail message'

$or: ISchema[] v1.*

Returns true if at least one operator of a list passed.

let isValid = Validall(someValue, {
  $or: [{ $type: 'number' }, { $type: 'string' }]

$nor: ISchema[] v1.*

Returns true if no operator in the list passed.

let isValid = Validall(user, {
  $nor: [{ $is: 'number' }, { $length: { $gt: 15 } }]

$xor: ISchema[] v1.*

Returns true if only one operator in the list passed but not the others.

let isValid = Validall(roles, {
  $xor: [{ $in: 'admin' }, { $size: { $gt: 1 } }]

$meta: object v3.*

Assign some custom meta data to any property in schema.

let userValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $meta: { title: 'User Schema' },
    $props: {
      username: { $meta: { desc: "username is unique" } },
      contacts: {
        $props: {
          mobile: { $meta: { desc: 'should be hidden' }}

// if no property specified, root meta will be returned
// { title: 'User Schema' }

// { desc: "username is unique" }

// { desc: 'should be hidden' }

Validall Instance Methods: v2.*

set(keyPath: string, value: any): Error | never

set method gives the ability to change schema map properties, each time using set vaildall would validate the schema again and may return ValidallInvalidArgsError in certian cases.

const map = { limits: { age: [25, 35] } }
let memberValidaltor = new Validall({
  id: 'Member',
  schema: {
    $props: {
      name: { $type: 'string' },
      age: { $inRange: '$limits.age' }
}, map);

let member = { name: 'Joe', age: 28 };

memberValidaltor.validate(user); // true

memberValidaltor.set('limits.age', [30, 35]);

memberValidaltor.validate(user); // false

getPropMeta(prop?: string)

It returns provided property meta if exists

let userValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $meta: { title: 'User Schema' },
    $props: {
      username: { $meta: { desc: "username is unique" } },
      contacts: {
        $props: {
          mobile: { $meta: { desc: 'should be hidden' }}

// if no property specified, root meta will be returned
// { title: 'User Schema' }

// { desc: "username is unique" }

// { desc: 'should be hidden' }


Returns all meta in the schema.

// {
//    User:  title: 'User Schema' },
//    username: { desc: "username is unique" },
// { desc: 'should be hidden' }
// }

getMetaByName(name: string): Array<{prop: string; value: any}>

Returns array of properties that include the provided meta property name;

//  [
//    { field: 'username', value: 'username is unique' },
//    { field: '', value: 'should be hidden' }
//  ]

Validall Static Methods: v3.*

ValidateSchema(options: IOptions): Error

Validate schema options and returns an error if found.

When instatiating Validall, this method is called implicitly.

GetValidator(id: string): Validall

Get any predifined schema instance.

let UserValidator = new Validall({ id: 'User', schema: {
  $props: { name: { $type: 'string' }}

// in some other module...
let UserValidator = Validall.GetValidator('User');

If validator id was set to null, then it cannot be refernced or obtained.

let anonymousValidator = new Validall({ id: null, schema: {
  $props: { name: { $type: 'string' }}

If id already exists, old schema won't be overriden unless replaceSchema options was set to true.

let UserValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $props: { name: { $type: 'string' }}

let AuthorValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  schema: {
    $props: { name: { $type: 'string' }}

// later
Validall.GetValidator('User') // UserValidator

// unless
let AuthorValidator = new Validall({
  id: 'User',
  // replace schema explicitly
  replaceSchema: true,
  schema: {
    $props: { name: { $type: 'string' }}

// then
Validall.getSchema('User') // AuthorValidator

ImportSchema(request: string | AxiosRequestConfig, options?: IImportOptions): Promise<Validall>

Import schema remotely.

  .then(validator => ...)
  .catch(err => ...)

Schemas imported remotely can be referenced or obtained if they have an id.


request required: is an axios request, it can be a string or a config object.

options optional:

  • id: string replace imported schema id if needed.
  • replaceSchema: boolean allow imported schema to replace existing schema with the same id.
  • throwMode: boolean override imported schema throwMode option.
  • map: string explained below.

Validall by default expects the schema to be in, if this is not the case specifying the actual path is required.

Validall.ImportSchema("http://somehost/someshema", { map: 'data.results[0].schema' })
  .then(validator => ...)
  .catch(err => ...)


  • Axios must be installed in case of Validall.ImportSchema() need to be used.
  • It is better to import all Schemas before using them.
  • In case of to many references in the project and managing instanciating order is somehow hard to control, then it is recomended to set lazy option to true for each validator.
  • circular referencing is not a possible.

Please if any bugs found, create an issue in github.

Thank you.