Javascript data validator.
A simple way to validate date and customerize the constraint.
npm install validatar
npm package
Github page
const Validatar = require('validatar');
Validatar.register('required', '%{key} is required', (v) => v !== undefined);
Validatar.register('isString', '%{key} is not a string. value:%{value} position:%{position}', (v) => (typeof (v) === 'string'));
const data = {
str1: 'I am a string!',
obj1: {
str2: 456,
const rule = {
str1: [{ constraint: 'isString', message: 'str1 must be string' }],
obj1: {
str2: ['required', 'isString'],
const result = Validatar.validate(data, rule);
// expected output:
// {
// constraintId: 'isString',
// position: 'obj1.str2',
// key: 'str2',
// value: 456,
// params: undefined,
// message: 'str2 is not a string. value:456 position:obj1.str2',
// }
Pass parameters to check function
const Validatar = require('validatar');
Validatar.register('isString', '%{key} is not a string. value:%{value} position:%{position}', (v) => (typeof (v) === 'string'));
Validatar.register('checkLength', '%{key} length error.', (v, params) => (v.length >= params[0] && v.length <= params[1]));
const data = {
str1: 'I am a string!',
const rule = {
str1: [
'isString', {
constraint: 'checkLength',
params: [5, 12],
const result = Validatar.validate(data, rule);
// expected output:
// {
// constraintId: 'checkLength',
// position: 'str1',
// key: 'str1',
// value: 'I am a string!',
// params: [5, 12],
// message: 'str1 length error.',
// }
Main Function
* Register a constraint
* @param {string} constraintId
* @param {Any truthy value} message: The message of the constraint. Will return when the constraint is violated.
* @param {function} checkFunction: If the return value of this function is not true, the constraint is violated.
Validatar.register('checkLength', '%{key} length error.', (v, params) => (v.length >= params[0] && v.length <= params[1]));
* Validate the input data
* @param {Object} data: The input data
* @param {Object} rule: The rule to check the input data
* @return {undefined | Object} return undefined if pass the rule.return object if any constraint in the rule is violated.
* {
* constraintId: {string} The constraint id that is violated.
* position: {string} The position where the constraint is violated.
* key: {string} The key where the constraint is violated.
* value: {Any} The value where the constraint is violated.
* params: {Any}
* message: {Any} The message of the constraint
* }
const result = Validatar.validate(data, rule);
Another Example
const Validatar = require('validatar');
Validatar.register('required', new Error('Wrong input format'), (v) => v !== undefined);
Validatar.register('isString', '%{key} is not a string. value:%{value}', (v) => (typeof (v) === 'string'));
Validatar.register('isEmail', '%{key} is not email. value:%{value}', (v) => (/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(String(v).toLowerCase())));
const correctData = {
str1: 'I am a string!',
obj1: {
email: '',
const rule = {
str1: [{ constraint: 'required', message: 'str1 not exists' }, { constraint: 'isString', message: new Error('str1 must be string') }],
obj1: {
email: ['required', 'isString', 'isEmail'],
const correctResult = Validatar.validate(correctData, rule);
// expected output: undefined
const wrongData = {
str1: 'I am a string!',
const wrongResult = Validatar.validate(wrongData, rule);
// expected output:
// {
// constraintId: 'required',
// position: '',
// key: 'email',
// value: undefined,
// params: undefined,
// message: new Error('Wrong input format')
// }