
Async validation rules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validateAnything from '';


Validate anything.

Sometimes you have to check something asyncronously say check if a user has access to a blogpost depending on something stored in database.

This library aims to help you. It stores your asyncronous validation functions and runs them all when you need the result. If all validations passed you receive true in callback. If any of validations fails you receive false immediately. If an error happens you get the error and false.


npm install validate-anything


  //Creates new Memo with all defaults
  var mySet = require('validate-anything').bundle();

  function validator(userName){
    //NB! Callback is provided by validate method and should be referred to like this.
    var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
      callback(null, true);
    }, 1000);

  mySet.addAssert('readBlogpost', validator);
  mySet.validate('readBlogpost', function(err, pass){
    //pass === true, fires after 1 second
    mySet.validate('readBlogpost', function(err, pass){
      //pass === true, fires after some milliseconds


The validate-anything module exports three constructors and a shortcut factory. The constructors API is described below. Shortcut creates new default Storage and returns new Memo configured to use this storage.

  • bundle function([prefix], [ttl], [client], [hash]){}: All arguments are optional. They are passed to corresponding constructors.

AssertionContainer API:

This is the base class the system is built on.


  • addAssert function(setName, fn){}: Registers validator scoped to assertion set
  • listAsserts function(setName){}: Returns list of assertion functions for the specified set
  • validate function(setName, [context], [args], callback){}: Calls each function from assertion set passing it context and args. Note that you cannot pass different args to single set. Use two or more sets for this case.

More on validate:

  • setName {String}: selects set to iterate over
  • context {Object}: will be available to validation function as this
  • args {Array}: arguments to pass to validation function
  • callback {function(error, boolean)}: will be called once all functions in set finish or any of them calls back with error. Boolean is true if every validation fn calls back with true and false if any of them fails or returns error.

Memo API:

It is a wrapper around AssertionContainer class. It decorates AssertionContainer validate method and storage del methods.

Constructor arguments:

  • storage {Object}: Object that handles memoization
  • ttl {Number || String}: Timeout to expire results of validation. In seconds if you use default storage. Set to 'persist' to make results persistent, but be sure to handle expiration yourself.
  • hashAlgorithm {String}: What algorithm to use calculating hash for context and args. Defaults to MD5.


  • all inherited from AssertionContainer
  • drop {function(callback){}: just a bridge to storage drop method
  • del {function(context, args, callback)}: calculates hash for context and args and calls storage del method

Storage API:

Module has Redis storage out of the box.

Constructor arguments:

  • client {Object}: Redis client. If omitted new node-redis client is created for you.
  • prefix {String}: Namespaces the storage. You'd better set different prefix for every storage instance you have so drop method will not drop keys of other storage. Defaults to 'valany:'.

Creating your own storage:

As long as you storage object corresponds to the interface you should be able to use them interchangeably. All methods should be asyncronous.

  • get function(key, callback){}: Should callback with possible error and stored result. Memo first queries storage with hash and if it returns null proceeds to validation.
  • set function(key, value, callback){}: Should store result. Memo calls it with key = hash and value = passed once validation is complete without error.
  • expire function(key, ttl, callback){}: Should expire result in specified ttl. Memo calls it with ttl passed to the constructor or skips this step if ttl equals to 'persistent'.
  • del function(key, callback){}: Should delete provided key. Memo decorates it and passes key = hash
  • drop function(callback){}: Should delete all results scoped to this storage. Memo exposes it with no modification.

License: MIT