
date validation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validateDate from '';


Validate Date

Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid date.

This package exports a single synchronous function that takes date as a “string” and two optional parameters, the type of response as "responseType"(responseType="string" by default) and date format as "dateFormat" (dateFormat=null by default, see more details below) and returns a convenient response based on the user’s choice. It also validates leap years.


npm install validate-date --save--dev 


The function accepts 3 parameters: date, responseType and dateFormat strings.

  1. date => string representation of date

  2. responseType => "string" or "boolean" responseType="string" by default. The function returns "true" for validated dates and "false" for incorrect ones.

    date string boolean
    02/02/2001 Valid Date true
    99/10/2020 Invalid Date false
    02022000 Invalid Format false
  3. dateFormat => format of the date supplied By default this function accepts dates in the formats "yyyy-mm-dd" and "mm/dd/yyyy", but other formats can be enforced by passing it as "dateFormat" parameter. The "dateFormat" parameter is case insensitive (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD is the same as yyyy/mm/dd). The only two separators accepted by now are "-" and "/". Only numbers are supposed on the date (i.e. use 06 for June, not Jun or June).

var validateDate = require("validate-date");

validateDate('02/02/2001'); // returns "Valid Date"
validateDate('99/10/2020'); // returns "Invalid Date"
validateDate('02/29/2001'); // returns "Invalid Date", as Leap year check is verified
validateDate('02022000'); // returns "Invalid Format"
validateDate(''); // returns "Invalid Format"

validateDate('99/10/2020', responseType="boolean"); // returns false
validateDate('02/29/2001', responseType="boolean"); //returns false. Leap year check verified
validateDate('02022000', responseType="boolean"); // returns false
validateDate('', responseType="boolean"); // returns false
validateDate('02/02/2001', responseType="boolean"); // returns true

// The "responseType" param is "string" by default.
validateDate('99/10/2020'); // returns "Invalid Date"
validateDate('99/10/2020', responseType="string"); // returns "Invalid Date"
validateDate('99/10/2020', responseType="boolean"); // returns false

// The "dateFormat" param is "mm/dd/yyyy" by default.
validateDate('02/27/2001', responseType="boolean"); // returns true
validateDate('02/27/2001', responseType="boolean", dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy"); // returns true
validateDate('27/02/2001', responseType="boolean", dateFormat="dd/mm/yyyy"); // returns true

validateDate('02/27/2001', responseType="string", dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy"); // returns "Valid Date"
validateDate('27/02/2001', responseType="string", dateFormat="dd/mm/yyyy"); // returns "Valid Date"

