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In a lot of the front-end logic, we'll get into the form validation part of the logic.
Abstracted out, can let us reduce workload greatly
import validator from 'validate-form-p'
const rules = [
['name', 'require', 'The name has to exist']
const data = {
name: 'leo'
validator.setData(data).validate(rules) // ture
import validator from 'validate-form-p'
const rules = [
['name', 'require', 'The name has to exist']
const rules1 = [
['name', 'require', 'The name has to exist', 1] // 1: You have to check whether the name field is in the data or not
const data = {
phone: ''
validator.setData(data).validate(rules) // ture
validator.setData(data).validate(rules1) // false
console.log(validator.getError()) // { name: The name has to exist }
// maybe you want to do :
import validator from 'validate-form-p'
// Define rules
const formData = {
name: "xiaoming",
number: "2"
const rules = [
["name", "require", "The name is empty"],
["name", "xiaoming", "My name is xiaoming", 0, "equal"],
"The value can't be 2.",
(value, secondIndexValue) => {
return value !== secondIndexValue;
// Set the data to be validated
// Then verify that it returns true or false
const result = validator.setData(formData).validate(rules)
// If true, the form can be submitted directly
// If false is returned, an error message can be obtained by getError()
Validation fields, validation rules, error messages,[validation conditions, additional rules]
validation conditions (options)
Value | trigger condition |
0 | Validate if a field exists (default) |
1 | Must be validated |
2 | Verify when the value is not empty |
additional rules (options)
rules | explain |
regex | Regular validation. The validation rule defined is a regular expression (default) |
function | Function validation. The validation rule defined is a function name |
confirm | To verify that two fields in a form are the same, the validation rule defined is a field name |
equal | Verifies that it is equal to a value defined by the previous validation rule |
notEqual | Verifies that does not equal a value defined by the previous validation rule |
in | To verify that a range is defined, the validation rule can be an array or a comma-separated string |
notIn | To verify that the validation rule is not in a range, the defined validation rule can be an array or a comma-separated string |
length | Validation length. The defined validation rules can be a number (representing a fixed length) or a number range (for example, 3,12, representing a length range from 3 to 12) |
import you, { star } from 'you'
import me, { thank } from 'me'
star(me) && thank(you)