Validate rut
Tool for validate rut with document number in Chile
Starting 🚀
How to install 📋
First install with npm
npm i validate-rut-serie
Or yarn
yarn add validate-rut-serie
Using the tool ⚙️
First import the tool, then call the async method isValid, sending an object with rut and serie (without points), it will return an boolean
Example 🔩
const { isValid } = require("validate-rut-serie")
async function tellIfIsValid() {
const valid = await isValid({rut:"11.111.111-1", serie:"123456789"})
console.log(valid) // return true if is valid, or false if is invalid
Valid formats for serie
The only format is 9 numbers of the number document, without points, string format
Valid formats for rut ⌨️
// valids
// invalids
Building with: 🛠️
Authors ✒️
- Christian Rodriguez - Inforser - crod
Licence 📄
Thanks 🎁
- Thanks for read this readme! 📢
⌨️ with ❤️ for crod-inforser 😊