
This package is used to validate user input and check many types of regexs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validateUtility from '';



This package is used to validate user input and check many types of regexs.


Run : npm i validate-utility


Function name Description
validate(selector , id , callBack) This method is used with input attribute as used in sample code
url(value) Validate URL.
email(value) Validate email.
alnum(value) Validate string with alpha and numeric only.
alnumwithspace(value) Validate alpha and numeric string with space .
alpha(value) Validate string contains alphabets .
number(value) Validate string if it only contains number.
postcode(value) Validate postcode or zipcode.
mobile(value) Validate mobile number.
pancard(value) Validate pancard number.
DateBelow2000(value) Validate date before 2000.
DateBelow2000R(value) Validate date after 2000.
fullnamewithspace(value) Validate full name with space.
voterID(value) Validate voter id.
dl(value) Validate driving licence.
passport(value) Validate passport.
timeString(value) Validate if string is timestring.
dateString(value) Validate datestring.
hexadecimal(value) Validate string is hesadecimal or not.
hexColor(value) Validate staring has hexcolor.
ipv4(value) Validate IP in v4 format.
ipv6(value) Validate IP in v6 format.
ipV4V6(value) Validate IP in v4 and v6 both.
ip(value) Validate only IP.
vehiclenumber(value) Validate vehicle number.
pan(value) Validate pan.
minLength(value , minLength) This method is used to validate minLength.
maxLength(value , maxLength) This method is used to validate maxLength.
required(value) This method checks if field is required.
isEmpty(value) This method checks if string is empty.
minValue(value , minValue) This method checks minimum value for numbers.
equalTo(value1 , value2) This method checks equality.
equalTo(value1 , value2) This method checks equality.
isChecked(selector) This methods checks if checkbox is checked.

Note : It return true if validation is successfull

Sample Code

    function cb (error , id , selector) {
       it prints {
              status: true,
              message: ""}
    <input type="text"   
       data-vu-err-msg="this is error message"
       onKeyUp={(e) => validateUtility.validate( , "tets" , cb }) } 
       onKeyPress={(e) => validateUtility.stopDefault(e)} // to stop keyboard event
       data-vu-type="required,minLength,alpha" // type of validation required (any methid name can be used here like mobile,url,email etc
       data-vu-err-msg="This is error message" // this is to print error message (it's optional')