
Wrapper for unified client-server communication with methods to simplify validation and error handling.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validationResult from '';



Wrapper for unified client-server and function-function communication with methods to simplify validation and error handling.

function ValidationResult(data) {
    // Wrapped data = data;
    // Validity flag
    // Lists of messages
    this.errors = [];
    this.warnings = [];
    this.messages = [];

    // ...validation functions...


npm install validation-result


Include validation-result in your file:

var ValidationResult = require('validation-result');

Then use it to wrap any object

var validation = new ValidationResult(data);

Basic functions and properties

// Check if data are valid
if (!validation.isValid) {
    // Data are not valid

// Add error to list of errors
// sets isValid to false

// Add message to message list

// Add warning to warnings list

// Append other validations
if (!validation.append(otherValidation)) {
    // Data are not valid

Validation functions

Each validation function returns its result. If the result is false, validation.addError(error) is called.

// Check if given property is number
validation.isNumber('', error));

// Check if given property is lesser or equal than given value
validation.isLesserOrEqual('', value, error));

// Check if given property is greater or equal than given value
validation.isGreaterOrEqual('', value, error));

// Check if given property is equal to given value
validation.isEqual('', value, error));

// Check if given expression is true
validation.isTrue(expression, error);

// Check if given property is not empty
validation.notEmpty('', error));

// Check if given property is defined
validation.isDefined('', error));

// Check if given property matches given regex
validation.matches('', regex, error));

// Check if given property contains given value
validation.contains('', value, error));


// Require module
var ValidationResult = require('validation-result');

// Create example data
var user = {
    Name: "Bob",
    Age: 17,
    Local: {
        Password: "ucantgetme"

// Wrap user in validation
var validation = new ValidationResult(user);

// Make validation controls
validation.notEmpty('Name', 'Name field is required');
validation.isGreaterOrEqual('Age', 18, 'You are too young');
validation.isDefined('Hobbies', 'Don\' you have a hobby?');

// Does it make sense to keep going?
if (!validation.isValid) {
    return validation;

// Nested validation to avoid access to undefined properties
// If we do not want to append error message, dont
if (validation.isDefined('Local')) {
    validation.notEmpty('Local.Password', 'Password field is required');

// Use your own checks
if (myMoodIsBlue) {
    validation.addError('You shall not pass');

// Return validation
return validation;


npm test