Validation for TypeScript
This module helps validating incoming JSON, url params, etc in a type safe manner.
Every validator has a validate
function which returns a Result (either a {type: 'ok', value} or a {type: 'error', errors})
A validated value can be transformed at any point during the validation process (e.g. isoDate
Errors are accumulated.
import { errorDebugString, isOk } from 'validation.ts'
const myValidator = ...
const result = myValidator.validate(myJson)
if (isOk(result)) {
else {
In case of errors, The Result
contains an Array of { message: string, context: string }
where message
is a debug error message for developers and context
is the path where the error occured (e.g root / data / 0 / name
will give you a complete debug string of all errors, e.g.
At [root / c] Error validating the key. "c" is not a key of {
"a": true,
"b": true
At [root / c] Error validating the value. Type error: expected number but got string
import * as v from 'validation.ts'
tagged primitive
Sometimes, a string
or a number
is not just any string or number but carries extra meaning, e.g: email
, uuid
, userId
, KiloGram
, etc.
Tagging such a primitive as it's being validated can help make the downstream code more robust.
type UserId = string & { __tag: 'UserId' } // Note: You can use any naming convention for the tag.
const userIdValidator = v.string.tagged<UserId>()
import { literal } from 'validation.ts'
// The only value that can ever pass this validation is the 'X' string literal
const validator = literal('X')
import { array, string } from 'validation.ts'
const validator = array(string)
import { tuple, string, number } from 'validation.ts'
const validator = tuple(string, number) // Tuple2
object, literal union, optional
import { string, object, union, optional } from 'validation.ts'
const person = object({
id: string,
prefs: object({
csvSeparator: optional(union(',', ';', '|'))
Note: For bigger unions of strings, consider using the keyof
validator instead.
A dictionary is an object where all keys and all values share a common type.
import { dictionary, string, number } from 'validation.ts'
const validator = dictionary(string, number)
import Set from 'space-lift/object/set'
import { keyof } from 'validation.ts'
const keys = Set('aa', 'bb', 'cc').value()
const keyValidator = keyof(keys)
keyValidator.validate('bb') // Ok<'aa' | 'bb' | 'cc'> = Ok('bb')
// keyof typeof keys === typeof keyValidator.T === 'aa' | 'bb' | 'cc'
map, filter, flatMap
import { string, Ok } from 'validation.ts'
const validator = string
.filter(str => str.length > 3)
.map(str => `${str}...`)
.flatMap(str => Ok(str.toLowerCase()))
import { recursion, string, array, object }
type Category = { name: string, categories: Category[] }
const category = recursion<Category>(self => object({
name: string,
categories: array(self)
Deriving the typescript type from the validator type
Note: this can be used with any combination of validators except ones using recursion
Instead of using the derived type as your sole interface, use it to compare its compatibility with your handcrafted interfaces which will always be more readable in IDE's tooltips.
import { object, string, number } from 'validation.ts'
const person = object({
name: string,
age: number
type PersonFromValidator = typeof person.T
type Person = {
name: string
age: number
A Configuration object can be passed to modify the default behavior of the validators:
Transforms every keys of every objects before validating.
const burger = v.object({
options: v.object({
doubleBacon: v.boolean
const ok = burger.validate({
options: {
'double_bacon': true
}, { transformObjectKeys: v.snakeCaseTransformation })
To gcanti
and his io-ts
library which provided great inspiration.