Simple way to set up validator.
There are two main apis in this library, one is generateStrategy and the other is ValidatorBuilder.
The most important thing at very beginning is to create strategies use generateStrategy
at very first.
And use the strategies to create validator and init each field validation strategy.
Create strategies from custom validate function.
Pass a plain object to defined all validate strategy, and the property name is same as the validate strategy name.
Each validate function will pass into two parameters.
First parameter is input value, and second one is a threshold, to satisfy some condition which need additional threshold.
NOTE: Each validate function should return
when the input value is valid.
import { generateStrategy } from 'validator-builder';
const strategies = generateStrategy({
isEmpty: val => val !== undefined && val !== null && Boolean(val) !== false,
overMaxLength: (val, max) => val.length <= max,
To create validator by setting default error message and threshold.
Pass a plain object which have two properties defaultErrorSet and defaultThresholdSet.
Use the strategies we just created, to be the property name of the error message plain object and thresholdS plain object.
import ValidatorBuilder from 'validator-builder';
const validator = new ValidatorBuilder({
defaultErrorSet: {
[strategies.isEmpty]: 'No Empty.',
[strategies.overMaxLength]: 'Too long.',
defaultThresholdSet: {
[strategies.overMaxLength]: 6,
The validator has three method, init
, start
, getStateByFieldName
Accept a list of object, each object should have name
and strategies
This will define each field's validate logic.
Accept a plain object, which key should be all field's name, and value are those value.
Will return true when all field valid.
Accept field name which has been init by validator.init
, and will return field validate state.
The validate state has isValid and errorMsg two property, by default isValid is true, and errorMsg is empty string changed after validator.start
name: '${fieldName}',
strategies: [strategies.isEmpty, strategies.overMaxLength],
validator.start(data) => isAllValid
validator.getStateByFieldName(filedName) => ({
import ValidatorMediator, { generateStrategy } from 'validator-builder';
const strategies = generateStrategy({
isEmpty: val => val !== undefined && val !== null && Boolean(val) !== false,
isEmail: (email) => {
const re = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/i;
return re.test(email);
overMaxLength: (val, max) => val.length <= max,
const validator = new ValidatorMediator({
defaultErrorSet: {
[strategies.isEmpty]: 'No Empty.',
[strategies.isEmail]: 'Wrong Format.',
[strategies.overMaxLength]: 'Too long.',
defaultThresholdSet: {
[strategies.overMaxLength]: 6,
name: 'nickName',
strategies: [strategies.isEmpty, strategies.overMaxLength],
name: 'email',
strategies: [strategies.isEmpty, strategies.isEmail],
name: 'tos',
strategies: [strategies.isEmpty],
const isAllValid = validator.start(this.state);
const isNickNameValid = validator.getStateByFieldName('nickName').isValid
const nickNameErrorMsg = validator.getStateByFieldName('nickName').errorMsg