
Validation package for react, inspired by laravel validation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validatorReact from '';


React Validator

Validation package for react, inspired by laravel validation.

Getting Started

Install it using the npm package manager.

npm install validator-react

Usage Example

import validate from 'validator-react';

const rules = [
    field: 'email',
    validations: ['required', 'email'],
    name: 'User email' // used to show in error message
    field: 'password',
    validations: ['required', 'password', 'confirm', 'digit:10'],
    name: 'Password' // used to show in error message

class Login extends Component {
  state = {
    errors: {},
    isValidForm: true,
    formFields: {
      emai: '',
      password: ''
  _validate() {
    const { formFields } = this.state;
    const validRes = validate(formFields, rules);
    this.setState(() => ({ errors: validRes.errors, isValidForm: validRes.isValid }));
    return validRes.isValid;

Available rules

  • required field must not be empty or null or undefined.

  • numeric field must be a numeric value.

  • email field must be a valid email address.

  • digit example - digit:10 field must be digit with fixed length of 10.

  • url field must be a valid url.

  • password field must conatain 8-14 characters and atleast one capital character and one digit.

  • confirm field must me equals to the fieldComfirm field. example -

  field: 'password',
  validations: ['required', 'password', 'confirm', 'digit:10'],
  name: 'Password' // used to show in error message

then in the formFields there must me a field named passwordConfirm field which holds the same value as password.

  • min example - min:10 field must hold the length greater than or equal to 10 characters.

  • max example - max:10 field must hold the length less than or equal to 10 characters.
