emailValidate(value, required)
value(Email value)
required(Required field: true, false)
emailValidate('', true) // If field is required
----return bool
emailValidate('', false) // If field is not required
----return bool
Password Validation
Call passwordValidate function with following parameters
var response = passwordValidate(passwordValue, minlength, maxlength, required)
passwordValidate('abc123_', 4, 8, true)
----- return bool
# Call passwordValidate function with following parameters
var response = passwordValidate(passwordValue, patternType, required)
passwordValidate('abc123_', "^(?=.*[0-9]+.*)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]+.*)[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,}
quot;, true)
---- return bool
patterns details:
Pattern Type:
//Validate with one character, one number and one special character(if there)
// Validate with one Character, one Capital character, one special character and one number
//Validate with character, number and no special character
var response = panCardValidate(value, required)
panCardValidate('value', true)
-----return bool
([a-zA-Z]){5} -> Alphabets should be 5 in number.
([0-9]){4} -> Numbers should be 4 in number.
([a-zA-Z]){1} -> Alphabets should be 1 in number.