A framework[ish] to check if data is valid[ish]
I didn't have time to look for one that satisfied all of my needs, so I wrote one for a project and extracted the code.
- See issues
- Support IE8
Requirements (where this is/was going)
These don't mean the validish would support all of these features, not in the core anyways, however these are the things one needs to care about, when creating a project with a decent[ish] UX.
- Parameterized messages / i18n
- Validation context: other form data; user status
- Async only
- Validate one field to display in UI while the user is typing
- Re-validate one field to display in UI after the user finished typing (blur)
- Validate one field based on value of another field (e.g. compare passwords, price mandatory for offers)
- Emptiness is an error during/after submit, but not during typing
- Parallel validation - e.g. check length and regex at the same time
- Sequential validation - e.g. only check regex if not empty
- Validate all fields in UI before submit
- Validate all fields on server side
- UI: jump to error field during submit if invalid
- UI: field state - invalid, valid, warning, checking
- Async validation of field may finish than the validation of the same field as part of the form - needs to be handled
- fieldValidationResult = f(value, context, config)
- Co-dependent fields (e.g. isOffer=yes/no vs price required)
I currently have no idea what these scribbles were meant to be, but they were there.
- describe fields
- describe generic validators for fields
- inject specific validators for fields
- run validation on the object
- client side: run validation on field
- client side: run validation on all fields, but ensure existing validations get finished