
A simple HTML helper for javascript validations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validizerjs from '';



By Nicolas Boisvert ::

A simple html helper for javascript validations

This is a simple Jquery plugin allowing anyone to easily validate a form within some validations. Of course, the plugin already includes some basic validator such as required, gt (for greater than), between etc... But you fool can add your own validator easily.


  • Jquery v. 2+


  • Download, as you wish, the minified version or the production version in the repository


Now you may wonder: "How the hell do I use that?"... Well... It's easier than you can think. If you ever worked with the awesomely wonderful Taylor Otwell's Laravel, you will recognize the valiator syntax (It's pretty inspired from).

Making an input validable and defining his rules

You need to add the validable class to your HTML inputs. You also need the attribute data-validate to your element with your rules seperated by a pipe |. If the rule requires parameters, you need to add them after a colon : and seperate your arguments with comma ,.

<input type="text" name="firstname" class="validable" data-validate="required|len_gte:5">

In our example, my firstname input is required. So, as long as the field will be empty, the surrounding form will not be submittable. We also included the rule len_gte which is length greater than equals with a first parameter of 5. So, as long as the field will be empty OR the field will contain a word less than 5 caracter, the surrounding form won't be submittable.

What's going on?

At first, if the field's rules are matched to true, the input will get the class valid. If any of the rule is matched to false, the input will get the class invalid. On each input change, the surrounding form is validated. If the form contains at least one invalid field, the submit button will be disabled to prevent user from submitting.


Since Validizer is a Jquery plugin, we extended Jquery.

Here are the methods.

$('input').validate() : will validate the input's rules.

$('form').validateAll() : will validate each .validable inputs in the form

Extending rules

If you would like to add a custome rules, feel free to do it. Validators are function who are given the input value as value, an array of arguments which are the values after the colon as args and the context which the input himself. Your validator must return a boolean value

$.validators.rules['not_equals'] = function(value, args, context){
    return (value != args[0]);

You could use this rules with a parameter of a string. If your input value is the one given in parameter, let's return true! See the example below.

<input type="text" name="firstname" class="validable" data-validate="not_equals:You shall not pass">

As long as your input is not "You shall not pass", you validator should pass.

Built-in rules

  • required :
  • Params : no
  • Does : Validate that the field is not empty, in the case of a radio, it ensure that at least one option is selected
  • len_gt :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the string length is greater than the x value.
  • len_gte :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the string length is greater than or equals the x value.
  • len_lt :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the string length is less than the x value.
  • len_lte :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the string length is less than or equals the x value.
  • gt :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the input value is greater than the x value.
  • gte :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the input value is greater than or equals the x value.
  • lt :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the input value is less than the x value.
  • lte :
  • Params : :x, where x is a number
  • Does : Validate if the input value is less than or equals the x value.
  • between_exclusive :
  • Params : :x,y, where x and y are numbers
  • Does : Validate if the input value is between the x and y values but not equals
  • between :
  • Params : :x,y, where x and y are numbers
  • Does : Validate if the input value is between or equals the x and y values
  • equals :
  • Params : :x, where x is a string
  • Does : Validate if the input value is exactly the same as x
  • checked :
  • Params : no
  • Does : Validate if the input is checked. Would only work with radio or checkbox
  • date :
  • Params : no
  • Does : Validate if the input a valid date string according to Date.parse(x)
  • number :
  • Params : no
  • Does : Validate if the input a valid number according to isNumeric(x)


If you're like me and hate doing if...else if...else etc... You may love to use this. Feel free to report problem or suggest anything

Ending joke :

Q : How many programmers does it takes to change a light bulb? A : None, it's a hardware problem