A Basic validator implementation, which checks if a value is valid and as expected and executes the corresponding callback function as needed, and at the end of the check if a callback for the whole test exists it will execute the corresponding callback.
Structure: validate.js exports two modules:
- Validate <- for validation purposes
- Checks <- the isBlah() utilities are here (for example isArray is in here).
Usage and Explanation & consedirations:
- if the the check function fails
- if there is no callback or string defined -> the return value will be false
- if there is a callback or string defined -> the return value will be the string or the return of the function
- if the the check function passes
- if there is no callback or string defined -> the return value will be true
- if there is a callback or string defined -> the return value will be the string or the return of the function
- the return value of validate is an array.
- If you have your own check functions there is no need to import the check functions.
Import the Vjs validate method and the check utils.
var v=require('../validate.js').Validate;
var c=require('../validate.js').Check;
The v object is instantiated when imported and now it can be used to call the validate method accompanied with the set method to set the validations.
result=v.validate([v.validate([c.isString('hello'), onFail, onPass ], [v.validate([c.isString(1984), onFail, onPass ], [outerFail,outerPass]);
onFail and onPass can be a string or a function. On each of the corresponding states either the string is returned or a return value from a function is retuned. After the validation finishes if there is a fail the outerFail will execute or if all is passed the outerPass is executed.
var result=v.validate([
'failed is a string',
'passed is a string')
console.log(result[0]) // passed is a string
var result=v.validate([
'failed is a string',
'passed is a string')
'failed is a string',
'passed is a string')
console.log(result[0]) // passed is a string
console.log(result[1]) // failed is a string
or in the above examples instead of the strings a function may be used as
var myOnFail=function(){
return 'failed is a string'
var myOnPass=function(){
return 'passed is a string'
var result=v.validate([
console.log(result[0]) // passed is a string
console.log(result[1]) // failed is a string
To run the test navigate to the test directory and execute mocha.