Next-gen Framework with core components for Valiot Apps (React + Typescript)
Current Valiot UI components
- LayoutGrid
- Button
Current Valiot Framework components:
- DONE - LayoutGrid
- LayoutFlex - on framework
- GridItem - on framework
- FlexItem - on framework
- Card - on framework
- FoldableCard - merge with Card component
- SideMenu - on project (see orz-front)
- Overlay - (To superset additional content to another component, primitive for modal / floating buttons, notifs, etc)
- Modal - on project (see ret-leon)
- TabContainer - (Multiple screens/steps, might be related to Breadcrumbs)
- EmptyBox - on framework
- TextItem - on project (see zed-front)
- Tooltip - (To provide additional information on other components)
- Bullet - (TextItem left-hand marker, might be used as status indicator)
- Spacer - on project (see orz-front) TODO: horizontal / vertical
- Title - on framework
- Icon - on framework
- SectionHeader - on framework
- Page - on framework
- HeaderProgressBar - To be included as part of "Page" component over the Header (See: Github / Jira loading)
- Table Evaluate porting or using another react table
- JsonTable - on framework
- DONE - Button
- ButtonPrimary - on framework, might add for backward-compatibility
- ButtonSecondary - on framework, might add for backward-compatibility
- ButtonGhost - on framework, might add for backward-compatibility
- ButtonGroup - on framework
- Link - (Redirect text For use on any screen)
- Breadcrumbs
- Input - on framework (? works with passwords?)
- InputDate - on framework
- Select - on framework TODO: make labels any react component (Ej: text w/checkbox)
- MultiSelect - on project (see orz-front)
- TextArea - on framework
- Checkbox - on framework TODO: size prop (similar to space)
- RadioButton
- Toggle
- InlineEdit - on framework
- Loader - on framework
- LoaderWrapper - on framework
- Tag - on framework **TODO: color (style) and size props **
- Alerts - on framework
- FlashAlerts - on framework, move to hooks (see: createFlashAlert)
- NotificationBin - on framework
- ProgressBar - (Both vertical and horizontal)
- StatusLabel - (A TextItem with status prop)
- NestThermostat - (Circular temperature/sensor gauge)
- SpeedGauge - (Circular speed gauge)
- DiameterGauge - (Circular concentric circles gauge)
- Timeline - on project (see orz-front)
- ChartLines - on project (see roa-front)
- ChartSimpleBar - ?
- ChartStatusBar - (Multiple progressBars with status prop)
- TODO: Check needs for other charts or containers (EliotCard, MiniChartCard...)
- Sidebar - on framework (TODO: Fix responsiveness, make scrollable, hide)
- SidebarNavItem - on framework (TODO: responsiveness + dropdown color)
- Login - on framework
- Permissions - on valiot-template-front
Dash builder
- DynamicComponent May be redundant with React.createComponent
Hooks and utility functions:
- useLocalStorageState - on project (see roa-front)
- useLazyJob - on project (see orz-front)
- useUserWithGroups - on project (see roa-front)
- logout fn - on valiot-utility-functions
- createFlashAlert fn - on valiot-utility-functions
- DEPRECATE valiot-utility-functions