Valtech Testing Framework
Valtech Testing Framework (VTF) is a framework combining Cucumber(.js), WebdriverIO and Selenium for setting up a quick and easy testing environment.
You can install VTF using NPM:
npm install valtech-testing-framework --save-dev
Using a commandline tool you first need to setup the required output folders. You can simply do this by running the following command:
vtf setup
After the setup is completed you can run VTF using the command below.
vtf run --options options.js [--config config.js]
When running the vtf run command it is mandatory to specify an options file. The following code shows an example of what your options.js could look like:
// options.js
module.exports.config = {
baseUrl: '',
specs: ['./features/**/*.feature'],
cucumberOpts: {
tagExpression: '@tag1'
Optionally you can also specify an config file, which will be used to override the default config file from WebdriverIO. The following code shows an example of what the config.js would look like if you wanted to run the tests in Firefox:
// config.js
module.exports.config = {
capabilities: [{
browserName: 'firefox'
More about the WebdriverIO configuration can be found here.
Base URL used for the tests being started.
Type: String
Default: null
A list of path queries of the Cucumber tests which should be run.
Type: String[]
Default: []
Example: ['./features/**/*.feature']
A list of path queries of the Cucumber tests which should be run.
Type: String[]
Default: []
Example: ['./features/**/*.feature']