
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.0.3.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import valueHelpers from '';


Value Helpers

This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.0.3.


There are several functions in this library that can be utilized to do common operations, and each one is unit tested for stability.

There may be more function types added in the future, so keep up to date with this repository!

Types of functions commonly used in this library

  • Comparison
  • ComparisonFunction (returns a Comparison)

A Comparison is simply a function that takes a value as an argument, and returns a boolean. These can be used in filter functions to decide if a value matches criteria.

A ComparisonFunction is used when you may need a memoized function to return a consistent boolean result based on the Comparison returned.


  • contains
    • Can determine if an object, array, or string contains a particular value based on the comparison provided
  • objectContains
    • Can determine if an object contains a property that matches a specific condition
  • equals
    • Just as it sounds, you pass a value and it returns a Comparison with an exact match
  • hasMember
    • Can determine if an object provided has a function OR a property with a given name
  • hasMethod
    • Can determine if an object provided has a function with a given name
  • hasProperty
    • Can determine if an object provided has a property (NOT A FUNCTION) with a given name
  • inString
    • Can determine if a string contains a substring
  • inArray
    • Can determine if an array contains a value
  • inStringOrArray
    • Same as inString and inArray
  • indexOf
    • Can determine if a value is at a specific index of a string or array
  • isFunction
    • Can determine if a value is a function
  • isEmpty
    • Can determine if a value is provided
      • {}, [], '', null, undefined are empty