
Form validation library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import valval from '';


What it is?

This is a library for form validation. This library is under development, so don't judge strictly)

How it works?

Use together with input type="submit" and form

  • HTML
    <form action="" data-valval="form">
        <!-- In "data-valval" put the name -->
        <input type="text" data-valval="firstName" />
        <input type="password" data-valval="password" />
        <input type="password" data-valval="repeatPassword" />
        <input type="submit" data-valval="button" value="Submit">
  • CSS
    .valid {
        background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, .3);

    .invalid {
        background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, .3);
  • JavaScript
    import Valval from 'valval';

    const options = {
            preventDefault: true,
        // Name which we indicated in "data-valval"
        firstName: {
            // Indicate params
            required: true,
            minLength: 6,
            maxLength: 12,
            name: true,
            classValid: 'valid',
            classInvalid: 'invalid',
            onlyEn: true
        // Name which we indicated in "data-valval"
        password: {
            // Indicate params
            required: true,
            minLength: 6,
            password: true,
            classValid: 'valid',
            classInvalid: 'invalid',
            contentInPassword: ["alex", "123"]
        // Name which we indicated in "data-valval"
        repeatPassword: {
            // Indicate params
            required: true,
            repeatPassword: true,
            repeatAt: 'password',
            classValid: 'valid',
            classInvalid: 'invalid'
        // Name which we indicated in "data-valval"
        button: {
            // Indicate params
            textWhenValid: 'Valid form',
            textWhenInvalid: 'Invalid form',
            button: true
        form: {
            formSubmit: true,
            classValid: ['invalid-form', 'invalid-form2'],
            handlerWhenValidForm: function() {
            handlerWhenInvalidForm: function() {

    // Put options in method "start"
    new Valval().start(options);


  • General | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | password | Boolean | For password | password: true | | mail | Boolean | For email | mail: true | | message | Boolean | For message | message: true | | date | Boolean | For date | date: true | | tel | Boolean | For phone | tel: true | | repeatPassword | Boolean | For repeat password | repeatPassword: true | | name | Boolean | For name | name: true | | button | Boolean | For button (type="submit") | button: true | | formSubmit | Boolean | For form | formSubmit: true |

    Options in validationElement | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | have | Boolean | Will there be an item to check | have: true | | classValid | String or Object | Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid-el). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid-el' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Element class after unsuccessful check (the default class is .valval-invalid-el). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid-el' | | selectorEl | String | Element selector | selectorEl: '.validation-el' | | textWhenValid | String | Element text after successful check | textWhenValid: 'Successfully' | | textWhenInvalid | String | Element text after unsuccessful check | textWhenValid: 'Unsuccessfully' |

  • In object "options"

    Option Type Value Example
    preventDefault Boolean To cancel page reload when sending data preventDefault: true
  • Unique

    Options in password | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | onlyRus | Boolean | Only russian language (русский) | onlyRus: true | | onlyEn | Boolean | Only english language (english) | onlyEn: true | | onlyNumbers | Boolean | Only numbers (123456) | onlyNumbers: true |

    If all these properties are disabled (false), then the default is any value in the line

    Option Type Value Example
    handlerWhenValidElement Function Works handler when valid element handlerWhenValidElement: () => {}
    handlerWhenInvalidElement Function Works handler when invalid element handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {}
    required Boolean Required input field required: true
    minLength Number Minimum number of characters per line (default 1) minLength: 6
    maxLength Number Maximum number of characters per line (infinity by default) maxLength: 6
    contentInPassword Object What should be in the password contentInPassword: ["alex", "123", "A"]
    classValid String or Object Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classValid: 'valid'
    classInvalid String or Object Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classInvalid: 'invalid'
    validationElement Object Item options to check validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.password__valid' }

    besides: '', '+', '(', ')', ' , '^', '?', '/', '|', '\'.* Used when items (onlyEn, onlyRus, onlyNumbers) are disabled

    Options in repeatPassword | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | repeatAt | String | The name of the item in the object at which you want to repeat the password | repeatAt: 'password' | | handlerWhenValidElement | Function | Works handler when valid element | handlerWhenValidElement: () => {} | | handlerWhenInvalidElement | Function | Works handler when invalid element | handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {} | | classValid | String or Object | Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid' | | validationElement | Object | Item options to check | validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.repeat-password__valid' } |

    Options in mail | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | handlerWhenValidElement | Function | Works handler when valid element | handlerWhenValidElement: () => {} | | handlerWhenInvalidElement | Function | Works handler when invalid element | handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {} | | required | Boolean | Required input field | required: true | | classValid | String or Object | Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid' | | validationElement | Object | Item options to check | validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.mail__valid' } |

    Options in date | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | onlyDot | Boolean | The date goes only through a dot (11.11.1111) | onlyDot: true | | onlySlash | Boolean | The date goes only through a slash (11/11/1111) | onlySlash: true | | onlyHyphen | Boolean | The date goes only through a hyphen (11-11-1111) | onlyHyphen: true |

    If all of these properties are disabled (false), then the default is either a slash, a dot, or a hyphen

    Option Type Value Example
    required Boolean Required input field required: true
    handlerWhenValidElement Function Works handler when valid element handlerWhenValidElement: () => {}
    handlerWhenInvalidElement Function Works handler when invalid element handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {}
    classValid String or Object Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classValid: 'valid'
    classInvalid String or Object Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classInvalid: 'invalid'
    validationElement Object Item options to check validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.date__valid' }

    Options in tel | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | minLength | Number | Minimum number of characters per line (default 1) | minLength: 6 | | maxLength | Number | Maximum number of characters per line (infinity by default) | maxLength: 6 | | required | Boolean | Required input field | required: true | | handlerWhenValidElement | Function | Works handler when valid element | handlerWhenValidElement: () => {} | | handlerWhenInvalidElement | Function | Works handler when invalid element | handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {} | | classValid | String or Object | Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid' | | validationElement | Object | Item options to check | validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.tel__valid' } |

    Options in name | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | onlyEn | Boolean | Only english language (english) | onlyEn: true | | onlyRus | Boolean | Only russian language (русский) | onlyRus: true | | bigFirstSymbol | Boolean | Line starts with a capital letter | bigFirstSymbol: true |

    If all these properties are disabled (false), then by default - any value in a string of type String

    Option Type Value Example
    minLength Number Minimum number of characters per line (default 1) minLength: 6
    maxLength Number Maximum number of characters per line (infinity by default) maxLength: 6
    required Boolean Required input field required: true
    handlerWhenValidElement Function Works handler when valid element handlerWhenValidElement: () => {}
    handlerWhenInvalidElement Function Works handler when invalid element handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {}
    classValid String or Object Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classValid: 'valid'
    classInvalid String or Object Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] classInvalid: 'invalid'
    validationElement Object Item options to check validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.name__valid' }

    Options in message | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | minLength | Number | Minimum number of characters per line (default 1) | minLength: 6 | | maxLength | Number | Maximum number of characters per line (infinity by default) | maxLength: 6 | | required | Boolean | Required input field | required: true | | handlerWhenValidElement | Function | Works handler when valid element | handlerWhenValidElement: () => {} | | handlerWhenInvalidElement | Function | Works handler when invalid element | handlerWhenInvalidElement: () => {} | | classValid | String or Object | Element class after successful check (the default class is .valval-valid). Or multiple classes classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Element class after unsuccessful validation (the default class is .valval-invalid). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid' | | validationElement | Object | Item options to check | validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.message__valid' } |

    Options in button | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | textWhenValid | String | Button text on successful check | textWhenValid: 'Valid form' | | textWhenInvalid | String | Button text on unsuccessful check | textWhenInvalid: 'Invalid form' | | classValid | String or Object | Button class on successful check (the default class is .valval-valid-btn). Or multiple classes: classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid-btn' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Button class on unsuccessful check (the default class is .valval-invalid-btn). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid-btn' |

    Options in formSubmit | Option | Type | Value | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | classValid | String or Object | Button class on successful check (the default class is .valval-valid-form). Or multiple classes: classValid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classValid: 'valid-form' | | classInvalid | String or Object | Button class on unsuccessful check (the default class is .valval-invalid-form). Or multiple classes classInvalid: ['class1', 'class2', ...] | classInvalid: 'invalid-form' | | handlerWhenInvalidForm | Function | Handler when invalid form | handlerWhenInvalidForm: () => {} | | handlerWhenValidForm | Function | Handler when valid form | handlerWhenValidForm: () => {} | | validationElement | Object | Item options to check | validationElement: { have: true, selectorEl: '.form__valid' } |