
Video Analytics Script

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanalytics from '';


Video Client & Analytics Server

Simple video player client (based on JWPlayer) with a configurable analytics server in node.js

Pre Install

install Apache CouchDB, see installation guide


git clone
cd vanalytics
npm install .

Post Install

Optionally configure your reverse proxy (e.g. nginx) to the proxy_pass to your node.js server


Update config file

Upload Views to CouchDB

./pushapp couchdb_user couchdb_pass couchdb_host[=localhost]


from the installation directory run

npm start

Sample reports

  • Views Histogram by (UUID,UserId)

    GET /analytics/views/25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164/user2

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "key": ["25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164", "user2"],
        "value": {
          "1": 1,
          "2": 1,
          "3": 1,
          "4": 1,
          "5": 1,
          "27": 1,
          "28": 1,
          "29": 1,
          "30": 1,
          "31": 1,
          "32": 1,
          "33": 1,
          "34": 1,
          "35": 1,
          "36": 1,
          "37": 1,
          "38": 1,
          "39": 1,
          "40": 1
  • Total Watches by UUID

    GET /analytics/watches/25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "key": ["25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164", 2014, 11, 22],
        "value": 1
  • Total Watches by (UUID/UserId)

    GET /analytics/watches/25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164/user2

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "key": ["25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164", "user2", 2014, 11],
        "value": 1
  • Play/Replay by UUID

    GET /analytics/prp/25ea3fae-4220-11e4-86da-2c44fd7f1164

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "plays": {
          "1": 1,
          "2": 1,
          "3": 2,
          "4": 2,
          "5": 2,
          "6": 2,
          "7": 2,
          "8": 2,
          "9": 2,
          "10": 2,
          "11": 2,
          "12": 2,
          "13": 2,
          "14": 2,
          "15": 2,
          "16": 2,
          "17": 2,
          "18": 2,
          "19": 2,
          "20": 2,
          "21": 2,
          "22": 2,
          "23": 2,
          "24": 2,
          "25": 2,
          "26": 1,
          "27": 1,
          "28": 1,
          "29": 1,
          "30": 1,
          "31": 1,
          "32": 1,
          "33": 1,
          "34": 1,
          "35": 1,
          "36": 1,
          "37": 1,
          "38": 1,
          "39": 1,
          "40": 1
        "replays": {
          "27": 1,
          "28": 1,
          "29": 1,
          "30": 1
  • Traffic Usage By UUID

    GET /analytics/traffic/MultiBitrateVid.mp4

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "key": ["MultiBitrateVid.mp4", 2014, 11, 22],
        "value": {
          "sum": 1200,
          "count": 48,
          "min": 25,
          "max": 25,
          "sumsqr": 30000
  • Traffic Usage By IP

    GET /analytics/trafficIp/

      "ok": true,
      "results": [{
        "key": ["", 2014, 11, 22],
        "value": {
          "sum": 1260,
          "count": 50,
          "min": 25,
          "max": 30,
          "sumsqr": 31800

Extra: IP location services references




sample service