
A simple easy to use plain vanilla carousel.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaCarousel from '';


Vanilla Carousel 🎠

A simple, small (2.1kB) and easy to use plain vanilla carousel. See the Demo or a live example on or

How to use

Have a look at our documentation files, e.g. demo.js. For better styling I recommend you to use Bootstrap or somethings similar.


include the one you need (all minified and compressed):

import VanillaCarousel from 'vanilla-carousel'

const ele = document.getElementsByClassName('carousel')[0]
new VanillaCarousel(ele, {
  autoplay: false,
  prev: true,
  next: true,
  progress: true,
  loop: false,


<div class="carousel">
  <div class="carousel__items">
    <div class="item">ITEM1</div>
    <div class="item">ITEM2</div>
  <div class="carousel__controller"></div>

This is the minimal setup, if you want to customize the controlls, e.g. wrap them into a div, you can by creating them inside carousel__controller. The following controllers are provided:

  • <div class="progress"></div>: the progress childs will be generated inside
  • <div class="prev"></div>: place some custom input it prev controller (you can do this in options as well)
  • <div class="next"></div>: place some custom input it next controller (you can do this in options as well)
  • <div class="play"></div>: the play button
  • <div class="pause"></div>: the pause button
  • <div class="stop"></div>: the stop button


Option Default Type Description
autoplay false boolean | number Wanna autoplay your carousel? Set it to true or a number for milliseconds it should take to fade to the next!
prev false boolean Give the user an option to go back in your carousel! Give it a string to personalize it.
next false boolean Give the user an option to go to the next in your carousel! Give it a string to personalize it.
progress false boolean Set this to true if you want to have progress bars below the carousel.
loop false boolean Do you want to loop the carousel so it's started from the beginning at the end? Set it to true!
pauseOnHover false boolean Whenever someone hovers over the carousel, it pauses. (WIP)
keyboardNav false boolean Let the user navigate through your carousel via the keyboard .