
A boilerplate generator for vanilla javascript projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaCli from '';



A vanilla Javascript project boilerplate generator.


Install from NPM

$ npm i -g vanilla-cli

Clone this repository

$ git clone

In order to use the tool as a global command, link the package.

$ npm link

Note: This will create a cli command named vanilla which can be used globally. If npm link is not run, the vanilla command will have to be replaced with node build/vanilla.js.


Vanilla is a cli tool and can be used in the following ways:

Minimal usage

$ vanilla

This will create a new boilerplate with the default folder name, vanilla, in the current working directory.

Specifying project name

$ vanilla --project=projectName
$ vanilla projectName

This will create the boilerplate in projectName folder in current working directory.

Specifying output directory

$ vanilla --output=/home/user/projectName

This will create the boilerplate in the path specified. Here specifying --project argument will be ignored. The path should be absolute.

All cli arguments

Name Description
output Path where the boilerplate is to be created
project Name of folder in the current directory where the boilerplate is to be created
htmlTitle Title of html document
htmlBody Body of html document
cssBody Body of css document
jsBody Body of js document

Usage with npm start

The package has a start script, which requires an extra step to use with cli arguments. The script can be used in the following way:

$ npm start -- --project=projectName

Note: The additional -- argument is required when using npm scripts.