Use VanillaJS chained declarative UI, No lifecycle, No state, No diff VDOM.
-> UI=browser(DOM)
Gesundheit: No React, No Vue, Easy SPA
Compress type | Size |
No Gzip | 5k |
Gzip | 2.5k |
- Zero dependencies
- Freedom, you can use any design mode
- Fast, no diff VDOM pay expenses
- Chained declarative UI (Like JSX or Flutter ?)
- Only element helper functions
- Easy create css and use BEM in Javascript
- Support IE 9 (precondition add core.Set polyfill and
Use unpkg:
<script src=""></script>
Or use npm:
npm i --save vanilla-document
# or
yarn add vanilla-document
Register css:
import dom from 'vanilla-document';
dom.css(`.red-box {background:#f00;}`);
Chain declarative UI:
import dom from 'vanilla-document';
const box = dom('div')
dom(h2').$text(`I'm a title`),
dom('input').$val(`I'm a input`),
dom('button').$text(`I'm a button`),
dom('a').$text(`I'm a <a />`),
// render in dom
Extends any element:
import dom from 'vanilla-document';
const oldBox = document.getElementById('box');
const box = dom(oldBox);
Bind data:
import dom from 'vanilla-document';
import Observer from 'vanilla-observer';
const obs = Observer({ value: '' });
const inputA = dom('input').$on('input', function(e) {
obs.update(s => (s.value =;
const inputB = dom('input').$on('input', function(e) {
obs.update(s => (s.value =;
// Listen obs.update, and when inputA remove auto unListen it
obs.connectElement(inputA, s => {
inputA.value = s.value;
obs.connectElement(inputB, s => {
inputB.value = s.value;
document.body.append(inputA, inputB);
Here have recode React Tutorial:
All code in 2.8kb
, It have: vanilla-document, CSS, src/*.ts:
Tutorial Demo:
import dom from 'vanilla-document';
import { calculateWinner } from './utils/calculateWinner';
import './css';
// pure-component
const Square = (val: number | string, onClick: Function) => {
return dom('button')
.$on('click', function() {
const v = onClick(this);
// Use new data rerender self
this.$replace(Square(v, onClick));
background: '#f5f5f5',
// board, Lifting State up here
const Board = (name: string) => {
const squares = Array(9).fill(null);
const status = 'Next player: X';
let xIsNext = true;
const handleClick = (i: number) => {
if (squares[i] || calculateWinner(squares)) {
squares[i] = xIsNext ? 'X' : 'O';
xIsNext = !xIsNext;
const renderSquare = (i: number) => {
return Square('', () => {
return squares[i];
const updateGameStatus = () => {
const winner = calculateWinner(squares);
let status: string;
if (winner) {
status = `Winner: ${winner}`;
} else {
status = `Next player: ${xIsNext ? 'X' : 'O'}`;
game.$query('#status', el => el.$text(status));
const game = dom('div').$append(
.$append(renderSquare(0), renderSquare(1), renderSquare(2)),
.$append(renderSquare(3), renderSquare(4), renderSquare(5)),
.$append(renderSquare(6), renderSquare(7), renderSquare(8)),
return game;
// Game application, render some board
const Game = () => {
return dom('div')
.$append(Board('Game A')),
.$append(Board('Game B')),
.$append(Board('Game C')),
Root api
use $.xxx:
name | params | description |
css | css:string; BEM?:string | insert css in document, and use BEM replace .^ |
style | src?:string; textContent?:string; onload?:Function | insert script or textContext in document |
randomId | none | Create random id |
Element api
use $(element).xxx:
name | params | description |
$ref | fn:(ele: this)=>any | Get element |
$id | id:string | Set |
$props | obj:object | Set element[key] = value |
$getProp | key:string; callback:(value:any)=>any | Get element[key], and callback |
$text | text:string | Create {text}, and append to element |
$getText | fn:(text:string)=>any | Get $text created span.textContent |
$val | val:any | Set element.value |
$html | html:string | Set element.innerHtml |
$query | seletor:string; callback:(node:Element)=>any; unfindable?:()=>any | element.querySelector and callback, if unfind, callback unfindable |
$queryAll | seletor:string; callback:(nodes:Element[])=>any | element.querySelectorAll and callback |
$before | newNode:Element | insert node before element |
$beforeQuery | selector:string; newNode:Element; unfindable?:()=>any | element.querySelector and insert node before element, if unfind, callback unfindable |
$insert | position: 'beforebegin' | 'afterbegin' | 'beforeend' | 'afterend', newNode:Element | run element.insertAdjacentElement |
$append | ...nodes:any[] | element.append some elements |
$children | fn:(children:Elements)=>any | Get element.children |
$childWith | fn:(child:Element, index: number)=>any | ForEach element.children |
$parent | fn:(node:Element)=>any | Get element.parent |
$attr | key:string, value: any | Set or remove element attribute |
$cssText | cssText:string | Set |
$class | cssText:string; BEM?:string; | Set element.className, and use BEM replace ^ string |
$classAdd | cssText:string; BEM?string; | Add a class in element classList |
$classRemove | cssText:string; BEM?string; | Remove a class in element classList |
$classReplace | cssText:string; BEM?string; | Replace a class in element classList |
$classContains | cssText:string; fn:(isHave:boolean)=>any; BEM?string; | Get contains a class in element classList |
$style | obj:CSSStyle | Set with object |
$checkAppend (slowly) | fn :(self:this)=>any; timeOut?:nubmer | check element is append in document with timeOut's time |
$checkRemove (slowly) | fn :(self:this)=>any; timeOut?:nubmer | check element is remove in document with timeOut's time |
$replace | node:any | Use node replace self |
$replaceChild | nextNode:any, oldNode:any | Use element replace a self child element |
$replaceWith | fn: (oldNode:any, index:number)=>any | ForEach self children and replace new element |
$on | type:string; listener:(ev:HTMLElementEvent)=>any | Set event to element, like element.onclick = fn |
$addEvent | type:string; listener:(ev:HTMLElementEvent)=>any; options: boolean | EventListenerOptions | addEventListener to element |
$removeEvent | type:string, listener:(ev:HTMLElementEvent)=>any; options: boolean | EventListenerOptions | removeEventListener to element |
$pseudo | inEvent: string | null, outEvent: string | null, obj: IStyle | Use event realize Pseudo Classes |
$hover | obj: IStyle | Equa ('div').$pseudo('onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave', {}) |
$focus | obj: IStyle | Equa ('div').$pseudo('onfocus', 'onblur', {}) |
$active | obj: IStyle | Equa ('div').$pseudo('onmousedown/ontouchstart', 'onmouseup/ontouchend', {}) |
$media | checker:boolean|string, obj: IStyle | like @media pseudo |
All vanilla.js packages can use vanilla-document
Because vanilla-document is vanilla.js's helper functions
If your need create a vanilla.js package, please don't dependencies other vanilla.js, only use BOM
and DOM
APIs, This will ensure that it will stand the test of time.
We created some vanilla.js packages, there very tiny(1kb~5kb), and zero dependencies:
- vanilla-document
- vanilla-route
- vanilla-observer
- vanilla-http
- vanilla-list
- vanilla-icon
- vanilla-message
- vanilla-device
- vanilla-spring
You can search other packages in github:
We have a very large ecosystem :)