Toggle HTML Password Input Semantically
This is a very small library for creating password toggle buttons semantically.
- NPM & Yarn Package
It's simple.
- Download the JS file
- Import into your markup
<script src="toggle-password.js"></script>
- Write your markup:
<!-- define you input password -->
<input type="password" id="password">
<!-- create the button toggle -->
<button data-toggle="password" data-target="#password">Toggle</button>
- Done
This library will scan all elements in the document that have the data-toggle="password"
attribute. So you don't need to initiate anything.
Note: You can add the data-class-active
attribute to define a class when the button is active (or input in" text "mode)
For example:
<button data-toggle="password" data-target="#password" data-class-active="is-active">Toggle</button>
.is-active {
background-color: red;
MIT License