
An easier way to handle the UI with vanilla js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaJuice from '';



Juice lets you handle DOM operations a little more easily with vanilla.js. It creates three functions: createElementWithAttrs, setAttributes and appendChildren.


npm install vanilla-juice


// Creates a div element with as many attributes as you want
var container = juice.createElementWithAttrs('div', {
    'class': 'container',
    'name': 'my-container',

// Lets you set any number of attributes to a DOM element
var otherContainer = juice.setAttributes(container, {
    'class': 'other-container',
    'name': 'my-other-container',

// Also lets you append any number of children elements to a container element
// You first define a container element where the children will be appended
var parent = juice.appendChildren(container);
// And then attach to that element all the children you want
parent(child1, child2, child3);