
javascript implementation of a priority queue

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaPriorityQueue from '';


Vanilla Priority Queue

A javascript implementation of a priority queue backed by a binary heap.

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npm i vanilla-priority-queue --save


const {  MinPriorityQueue, MaxPriorityQueue } = require('vanilla-priority-queue');

let minPriorityQueue = new MinPriorityQueue();
    The insert operation takes an item and it's priority.
    The item argument can be anything.
    The priority argument must be provided as an integer value.
minPriorityQueue.insert(3, 3);
minPriorityQueue.insert(10, 10);
minPriorityQueue.peek() // returns 3
minPriorityQueue.remove() // returns 3
minPriorityQueue.remove() // returns 10
minPriorityQueue.isEmpty() // returns true

let maxPriorityQueue = new MaxPriorityQueue();
maxPriorityQueue.insert(3, 3);
maxPriorityQueue.insert(10, 10);
maxPriorityQueue.peek() // returns 10
maxPriorityQueue.remove() // returns 10
maxPriorityQueue.remove() // returns 3
maxPriorityQueue.isEmpty() // returns true


Both the MaxPriorityQueue and MinPriorityQueue expose the following functions:

  • peek()

Returns the highest priority item in the queue in constant time. For a MaxPriorityQueue this is the max element. For a MinPriorityQueue this is the min element.

  • insert(item, priority)

The insert operation takes an item and it's priority and inserts the following object into the queue:

    item: item, 
    priority: priority

The item argument can be anything. The priority argument must be provided as an integer.

The operation completes in O(lg n) time.

  • remove()

Removes the highest priority item in the queue in O(lg n) time. For a MaxPriorityQueue this is the max element. For a MinPriorityQueue this is the min element.

  • isEmpty()

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the queue is empty or not.

  • length()

Returns the length of the queue.

  • getHeap()

Returns an array representation of the binary heap backing the priority queue. Note this contains a dummy null element at index 0.