
A heavily modified port of the excellent jQuery Slabtext plugin, without jQuery.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaSlab from '';


Vanilla Slab

Build Status"> Install

As a node module:

$ npm install vanilla-slab

As a standalone plugin, include the minified or non-minified compiled library:

<script src="path/to/plugin/vanilla-slab.min.js"></script>
<script src="myotherscripts"></script>


Quick Start

Add a class of 'js-vanilla-slab' to a header on your page. Then initialize for your preferred installation method:

As a standalone plugin:

var mySlab = new VanillaSlab;

As a node module:

var VanillaSlab = require('vanilla-slab');
var mySlab = new VanillaSlab;

With Options

As a standalone plugin:

var mySlab = new VanillaSlab;
  selector: '.my-selector',
  minWordsPerLine: 4,

As a node module:

var VanillaSlab = require('vanilla-slab');
var mySlab = new VanillaSlab;
  selector: '.my-selector',
  minWordsPerline: 4,



Key: selector

Type: String

Default: .js-vanilla-slab

This should be a valid css selector for the class that is applied to the headline you want to affect.

Max Font Size

Key: maxFontSize

Type: Integer

Default: 300

The maximum font size you want your headlines to be.

Min Words Per Line

Key: minWordsPerLine

Type: Integer

Default: 2

The minimum amount of words you want to allow per line. Depening on the target headline, this may be overridden in the last line.

Max Words Per Line

Key: maxWordsPerLine

Type: Integer

Default: 5

The maximum amount of words you want to allow per line. Depening on the target headline, this may be overridden in the last line.

Min Chars Per Line

Key: minCharsPerLine

Type: Integer

Default: 20

The minimum amount of characters you want per line.

Font Ratio

Key: fontRatio

Type: Float

Default: 0.95

This is a bit of a magic number. It's used to calculate the ideal number of characters per line. Generally you want it to be a two-digit number less than 1. This is the setting that you will need to experiment with for the best results with your chosen font.


This plugin is a port of this excellent jQuery plugin: It's been interpreted and heavliy modified for my own devices, but retains a lot of the same concepts as freqDec's plugin.

It takes a headline string and determines the ideal amount of characters per line based on the available width. It then attempts to build up individual strings within that headline based on specified parameters.

Disclaimer: This plugin fluctuates depending on your chosen font face. It can take some experimentation to find the right combo of paramters to get the correct effect.


This plugin uses gulp for build tasks. To concatenate and compile the scripts, run gulp. To run the tests, run gulp test. To build the minified standalone, run gulp build.