
A boilerplate for Vanillaforums themes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanillaThemeBoilerplate from '';


Vanilla Theme Boilerplate


A responsive, theme boilerplate for Vanilla in SCSS.


  • This theme contains javascript to animate the open and close of the mobile navigation menu.
  • This theme sets its own flyout open/close listeners because the existing ones were not flexible enough.


Refer to the installation guideinstallation guide.

Building Styles / Javascript / Images

This theme is built with the Vanilla Cli and does not come with its own build toolchain. With that installed you can simply run:

vanilla build


vanilla build --watch

to build your styles/js/images. Documentation for the CLI can be found here.

Variables Scope

  • $global variables coming from @dashboard/core-variables.
  • $theme variables specific to the theme.
  • $component variables specific to components, but general enough they might be used in more than once.
  • $global, $theme, $utility, should be on base/_variables.scss file.
  • variables spefic to a component should be at the top of that component SCSS file.