Vant React
Lightweight Mobile UI Components built on Typescript and React in under 2kb!
- Support Typescript
- 60+ Reusable components
- 100% Storybook coverage:
- Extensive documentation and demos
# Using npm
npm i vant-react -S
# Using yarn
yarn add vant-react
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'vant-react';
import 'vant-react/dist/index.css';
const App = () => {
return (
<Button text='Hello World' />
Components completion status
Basic Components
- Button
- Cell
- Icon
- Image
- Layout
- Popup
- Built-in style
- Toast
Form Components
- Calendar
- Cascader
- Checkbox
- DatetimePicker
- Field
- Form
- NumberKeyboard
- PasswordInput
- Picker
- Radio
- Rate
- Search
- Slider
- Stepper
- Switch
- Uploader
Action Components
- ActionSheet
- Dialog
- DropdownMenu
- Loading
- Notify
- Overlay
- PullRefresh
- ShareSheet
- SwipeCell
Display Components
- Badge
- Circle
- Collapse
- CountDown
- Divider
- Empty
- ImagePreview
- Lazyload
- List
- NoticeBar
- Popover
- Progress
- Skeleton
- Steps
- Sticky
- Swipe
- Tag
Navigation Components
- Grid
- IndexBar
- NavBar
- Pagination
- Sidebar
- Tab
- Tabbar
- TreeSelect
Business Components
- AddressEdit
- AddressList
- Area
- Card
- ContactCard
- ContactEdit
- ContactList
- Coupon
- GoodsAction
- SubmitBar
- Sku
- SwitchCell
- Panel
If you like what we do, please consider buy us a bubble-tea(donate)!
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Or, join our discussion group on Wechat by adding me!
Browser Support
Modern browsers and Android 4.0+, iOS 8.0+.
Open Source License
This is an Open Source Software operating under the MIT License.