Table of Content (TOC)
0100 Introduction
VarAng is a UI components library based on Angular 2. At the moment VarGrid (data table) is implemented. You can see the npm package from here and source code from here. There is a Spring Data Rest implementation in this address. Here is the syntax. Varang project aims to develop the components below.
- VarGrid
- VarTab
- VarMenu
- VarTree
- VarTreeTable
- VarList
- VarChat ##VarAng Components
VarAng aims to develop the components below.
- VarGrid
- VarTab
- VarMenu
- VarTree
- VarTreeTable
- VarList
- VarChat
0210 VarGrid
VarGrid is a datatable that supports the functionalities below at the moment (v0.2.6). There is a VarGrid show case that is integrated with Spring Data Rest in this address.
VarGrid has a syntax below.
<VarGridDataSource methodType="POST" dataOrigin="remote"
loadOnInit="true" url="url" serverType="rest">
"list": "_embedded.persons",
"pageSize": "page.size",
"pageIndex": "page.number",
"total": "page.totalElements"
"pageStart": "page",
"pageSize": "rows",
"sortOrder": "sord"
"sortIndex": "id",
"pageSize": 10,
"pageSizes": [10,30,50],
"sortOrder": "ASC",
"pageStart": 0
<VarGridColumn label="checkbox" styleClass="grid_checkbox" type="checkbox"></VarGridColumn>
<VarGridColumn label="id" name="id" styleClass="grid_id" ></VarGridColumn>
<VarGridColumn label="name" name="name" styleClass="grid_name" ></VarGridColumn>
<VarGridColumn label="firstName" name="firstName" styleClass="grid_firstName" ></VarGridColumn>
There are four configuration sections: VarGridDataSource, VarGridRemoteDataProviderMapping, VarGridClientPagerParams, VarGridRow having the explanation below.
Tag Name | Explanation |
VarGridDataSource | The datasource integration is done in this section. The attribute dataOrigin defines the location of the datasource. The string local indicates that the data source in client side and the string remote indicates that the data source in server side. When the dataOrigin is defined as remote, there should be a JSON hash table in the child content of VarGridDataSource and the hash table should contain a (key, value) pair where the key should have url and its counter value that indicates the remote data source URL serving paginated data source. |
VarGridRemoteDataProviderMapping | This section defines the server side integration parameters. The content of this section should be JSON hash map and have in and out parameters defined. The parameters of in define the structure of remote data that is being paginated. The parameters “out” defines the query parameters that are subject to be send to the server. The configuration parameters in and out helps front-end developer have a free data structure in server side regarding the pagination mechanism. |
VarGridClientPagerParams | This section is solely defines the the cilent side parameters. It differs from out parameter of VarGridRemoteDataProviderMapping in such a way that it does not responsible from integration but the representation of the data in client side. |
VarGridRow | This section defines the column model of VarGrid. Each VarGridColumn inside VarGridRow should define label and name attributes that should match the server side’s data array’s column naming policy. The column labeled checkbox enables the VarGrid have a checkboxed column. The order of checkboxed column can be changed among the column definitions that are defined by VarGridColumn. Accordingly, the place of the checboxed column will change. |
The configuration above results in a display below if the server side is properly configured. There is a server side paginated data implementation which is developed by Spring Boot in this address.
[Basic apperance of VarGrid-v025] ( “Var Grid v0.2.5 output screenshot”)
For the Spring Boot implementation that is provided in this address, the rest api provided by http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons produces json structure below.
"_embedded" : {
"persons" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"code" : null,
"aciklama" : null,
"active" : true,
"version" : null,
"md5" : null,
"createTime" : "2016-06-05T13:24:36.827+0000",
"updateTime" : "2016-06-05T13:24:36.827+0000",
"firstName" : "person 0",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons/1"
"person" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons/1{?projection}",
"templated" : true
}, {
"id" : 2,
"code" : null,
"aciklama" : null,
"active" : true,
"version" : null,
"md5" : null,
"createTime" : "2016-06-05T13:24:36.867+0000",
"updateTime" : "2016-06-05T13:24:36.867+0000",
"firstName" : "person 1",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons/2"
"person" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons/2{?projection}",
"templated" : true
"_links" : {
"first" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons?page=0&rows=10"
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons"
"next" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons?page=1&rows=10"
"last" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/persons?page=46&rows=10"
"profile" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/ebys/datarest/profile/persons"
"page" : {
"size" : 10,
"totalElements" : 461,
"totalPages" : 47,
"number" : 0
and VarGrid becomes aware of the json structure with the configuration below. VarGrid consumes the "_embedded.persons" JSON list provided above by having the configuration "list": "_embedded.persons".
"list": "_embedded.persons",
"pageSize": "page.size",
"pageIndex": "page.number",
"total": "page.totalElements"
"pageStart": "page",
"pageSize": "rows",
"sortOrder": "sord"
VarGrid-v0.2.5 supports
- Bootstap css framework.
- Configurable GET and POST methods
- Local (static) and remote (REST) data sources.
- Ajax based pagination
- Different varying data structure. One can adapt the data structure mapping by configuration parameters.
- Sorting
- Spring Data Rest integration
- Checkboxed rows
- Event handlings: onComplete, onRequest, onRowInserting, onRowSelect, onDoubleClick, onSorting, onPaging
VarGrid supports events below.
- onComplete
- onRequest
- onRowInserting
- onRowSelect
- onDoubleClick
- onSorting
- onPaging
All events are subscribed in the tag
The type of the events is VarGridEvent that has definition below.
export enum VarangInterceptor {Before=0, After=1}
export class VarangEvent {
intercept:VarangInterceptor=VarangInterceptor.Before; //before, after
this.source = s; = t;
this.value = v;
this.intercept = i;
export class VarGridEvent extends VarangEvent {
### Event Subscription Example
Here is an example that sets an event while paging.
Paging callback function should be registered in VarGrid tag as shown below.
<VarGrid (onPaging)="onGridPaging($event)">
...!configuration parameters!...
The call back function onGridPaging should have implementation below.
onGridPaging(event:VarGridEvent) {
if (event.intercept = VarangInterceptor.Before){
alert("before paging");
} else if (event.intercept = VarangInterceptor.After) {
alert("after paging");
The input parameter of the ongGrdPaging function should be in the VarGridEvent type. To handle different phases of the event, for example before paging or after paging, event.interceptor value should be checked as in the example above.
Next to do
VarGrid is still in development. The features below are intented to be developed. The next fetaure to be added is Changeable column orders
- Changeable column orders
- Column grouping
- Search dialog
- Search toolbar
- Footer buttons
- Pdf and excel export drivers.
- Button cells
- Subgrid
- UI enhancement
- Adaptable css templates
- Editable row
0999 Conclusion
This is the end.