Variable Reference Lister
A simple (early stages) command-line tool to ease the process of modularizing a large JavaScript file by listing the line numbers of every reference to each variable in the file.
How to Install
npm i variable-reference-lister
How to Use
vrl <path to file>
Example output:
{ albums: [ 1, 4, 4, 13, 23, 38, 42, 48 ],
spotifyApi: [ 20 ],
albumMatches: [ 36, 41, 42 ],
matchlessAlbums: [ 39, 63 ],
finishedIndexes: [ 22, 41, 42 ],
concurrentRequests: [ 18, 24, 50 ],
searchAlbums: [ 20, 63 ],
album: [ 13, 14, 23, 28, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 42, 48 ],
query: [ 20 ],
matchResults: [ 23, 25, 26 ],
done: [ 57 ],
matches: [ 34, 34, 38 ],
matchInfo: [ 36 ],
tryToRequest: [ 53, 56 ] }