CSS theming based on custom properties.
takes a non opinionated approach regarding the contents of your theme.
import inject from 'style-inject';
import theming from 'variable-theming';
const mainTheme = {
custom: {
primaryPalette: {
main: 'red',
contrast: 'blue',
tint: 'white',
shade: 'black'
elements: {
h1: {
fontSize: '2em',
color: 'var(--primary-palette-main)',
background: 'green'
const secondaryTheme = {
custom: {
primaryPalette: {
main: 'green',
contrast: 'red',
tint: 'white',
shade: 'black'
elements: {
h1: {
fontSize: '1em',
color: 'var(--primary-palette-main)',
background: 'yellow'
`elements` properties will be assigned
to variables on `setup` styles
const { setup, ...main } = theming(
Add setup styles as globals:
- use setup.css string to create a global <style> tag,
- or the setup.styles if you're using css-in-js.
Then, add variable assignments on the :root scope.
inject(`:root { ${main.css} }`);
We don't need to assign element properties to variables
anymore as they are already globally set, so we don't need
to separate element styles and custom properties for setup.
const secondary = theming({
inject(`.someClassSecondaryWillApplyTo { ${secondary.css} }`);
palettes(options?: PaletteOptions): Function
Returns a function that, taking a record of PaletteInput
s, returns a record of complete Palettes
import { palettes, theming } from 'variable-theming';
const theme = theming({
unit: { text: '1rem', space: '1rem', radius: '0.5rem' },
palette: palettes()({
primary: {
main: 'rgba(49, 50, 52, 0.85)',
tint: '#B2B2B2',
contrast: '#fafafa'
dark: {
main: '#222428',
tint: '#383a3e',
shade: '#1e2023'
light: {
main: '#fafafa',
contrast: 'rgba(49, 50, 52, 0.85)',
shade: '#f5f5f5',
accent: '#B2B2B2'
palettes.mui(palettes: Record<string, Palette>): Record<string, MuiPalette>
Creates a Material UI
compatible palette from a Palette
import { palettes } from 'variable-theming';
import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
const mui = createMuiTheme({
palette: palettes.mui(
dark: {
main: '#222428',
tint: '#383a3e',
shade: '#1e2023'
light: {
main: '#fafafa',
contrast: 'rgba(49, 50, 52, 0.85)',
shade: '#f5f5f5',
accent: '#B2B2B2'