OpenAPI Mock
Mocks res calls given an OpenAPI specification
After startup, you have access to:
- rest API - http://localhost:10000/myApiBasePath/metadata
- console - http://localhost:10000/myApiBasePath/console
Starting the application
Run local
To run it local, specify a config file (as located in the /test folder) like that:
npm install
node server/server <varkes_config.js>
Run local using docker
To run it using docker, call:
docker run -p 10000:10000
Run in Kyma
To run the mock using Kyma as runtime envrironment, run the following kubectl command to set up a namespace:
kubectl create namespace mocks
kubectl label namespace mocks env=true
and to deploy the mock
kubectl apply -n mocks -f
Supports OpenAPI 3.0 specs in JSON or YAML
OpenAPI Mock uses Swagger-Express-Middleware to parse, validate, and dereference OpenAPI files. You can also create your custom implementation for a response and for errors.Records Every Request made to the node
Creates a requests.log file that contains the urls being called, the header of the request and the body of the request if exists using the morgan logging framework.Returns the OpenAPI specification as metadata
By calling '/metadata' user can see the OpenAPI specification being use in text/x-yaml formatReturns a dummy OAuth2 token
By calling the endpoint '/authorizationserver/oauth/token' and adding the OAuth2 requirements as query params user can get a dummy OAuth2 token
Installation and Use
Install using NPM.
npm install
Then you need to copy your OpenAPI yaml into the api/swagger directory as swagger.yml
OR you could simply change the path in the config.js file specified by the "specification" element
You need to remove the host in order for swagger-express-middleware to do it's magic
You don't need to write a custom response in your javascript code for every endpoint in the file,
for the endpoints that your are satisfied with a default response you add the default key with the response object to your response of the endpoint in the file as shown
description: "OK"
type: "string"
type: "string"
code: "C1"
name: "course1"
Node js code
The entry point for the application is the app.js file which reads the swagger file swagger.yml and creates an instance of the mock_controller where the user
- Return custom Error messages as response to certain error codes or messages in the customErrorResponses function
the following example checks if the error status is not known or if it's one of the status that are defined in the config.js file and in response sends the corresponding error message
app = app_modified;
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
if (!err.status) {
err.status = 500;
try {
catch (err) {
In this file you define the paths of all the important files like the swagger.yml file and the requests.log file.You can also add any kind of global element needed for the application. You also define all the custom error messages corresponding to their status code as following
module.exports = {
specification: 'swagger.yaml',
request_log_path: 'requests.log',
added_endpoints: [
filePath: "OAuth_template.yaml",
url: '/authorizationserver/oauth/token'
customResponsePath: '../../custom_responses',
error_messages: {
500: '{"error":\"Something went Wrong\"}',
400: '{"error":\"Errorrrr\"}',
404: '{"error":\"End Point not found\"}'
port: 10000