
VARL (VARiable List) is simplest form of data transfer and configuration file format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import varl from '';


.varl v1.0 Encoder & Decoder for JS

What is .varl?

It's a simplest way to transfer data or store as configuration file. Here's the example

full name = Athaariq Ardhiansyah

For more explanations, see the documentation.

Encoder & Decoder Information

Implements .varl version: 1.0.x

Encoder & Decoder for JS version: 0.1.2

How to install?

  1. Make sure you have installed latest NPM and NodeJS. If not, see official download site.
  2. Run on terminal: npm install -S varl
  3. Now you can use .varl in JavaScript: const varl = require('varl');

How to use?

Example snippet for encoding object into .varl string:

var yourObject = {
    'creature' : 'cat',
    'name' : 'nyan',
    'alive' : true

varl.encode(yourObject, result => {
    console.log(result); // get the result here

To decode .varl string into an object:

var encoded = "title = Hello, World!\ndescription = Lorem ipsum dolor amet";

varl.decode(encoded, result => {
    console.log(result); // get the result here

By using jQuery, you can load and decode the data as example:

$.get('myConfig.varl').done(data => {
    varl.decode(result => {
        console.log(result); // get the result here

How do I contribute?

This module facilitate contributors with realtime development environment from webpack-dev-server. So, when you made changes, the browser automatically load the modified code. Here's how to prepare:

  1. Make sure you have installed latest NPM and NodeJS. If not, see official download site.
  2. Run on terminal: git clone
  3. Then run: cd varl-js && npm install && npm start
  4. After the browser launched, you can modify and do experiment with varl-js source code now :)

For more information about contribution, see our documentation.