
Vash adapter to @fractal/fractal

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vashAdapter from '';


Vash adapter

Use Vash templates with Fractal.

This version of the adapter has been developed and tested with Fractal v1.0.8.


Install via NPM:

npm i vash-adapter --save

Then add configuration details into your fractal.js file:

let path = require('path');
const view_ext = 'cshtml'; // or maybe 'vash' for your project?

 * Set up Vash as the fractal engine through the vash-adapter.
const fractal = module.exports = require('@frctl/fractal').create();
let vash_adapter = require('vash-adapter')({
    modelName: 'Model',
    helpersName: 'Html',
    settings: {
        views: path.join(__dirname, 'components'),
        'view engine': view_ext


 * Tell Fractal where to look for components.
fractal.components.set('path', path.join(__dirname, 'components'));
fractal.components.set('ext', '.'+view_ext);