A personal tools
npm install -g vast-tools
vast command [arg1] [args]...
About syncFile
Can do what?
if your want modify local code, and upload it on a server. can use it, auto upload && auto refresh by websocket
node bin/start.js
you can start a port listener on
set your port on config/config.js server.port=80
Client file listener
vast sync --dir ../demo target uniquekey
will watch all file changed under process->../demo folder,
which is can match reg in config/config.js command.sync.supportFileReg like
when your local file changed, server will sync changed file, and auto refresh html page by websocket.
Nodeppt && Remote
it worked with nodeppt as core module, thank the author very much.
Nodeppt is a tools for build markdown doc to ppt. my tools can remote it by mobile.
vast nodeppt start --dir . --port 8080
you will see that if success
myppt|⇒ nodeppt start -p 5353 -d .
Server :
ppt directory : /Users/vastwu/Documents/nodeppt/myppt/
assets directory : /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nodeppt/assets/
is your mdppt folder path, -p
is listen port.
more info about nodeppt you can see the author page.
when you open the ppt like
press q
you will see a QR code, use mobile open it can control your ppt.