Västtrafik API client for JavaScript
This is a mirror of the official Västtrafik Travel Planner API Client for Javascript. For more information, see the official api website.
NodeJS (see ./example.js)
const Api = require('vasttrafik-api');
// Sample credentials. Be sure to get your own before going into production.
(async () => {
const key = '8aOzt2RmMIG0OXSyIgjM2IkHvAoa';
const secret = 'OMxjxjaXblXdpn8E1gYFehHyx3Ea';
await vasttrafik.authorize(key, secret);
const api = new vasttrafik.LocationApi();
const res = await api.getLocationByName({input: 'Lindholmen'});
Browsers (see ./example.html)
<script src="./dist/vasttrafik.js"></script>
(function() {
// Sample token. Generate access token on server (see example.js)
var token = 'b94ad16c-715c-3820-a321-503b0267346e';
var api = new vasttrafik.LocationApi();
api.getLocationByName({input: 'Lindholmen'}, function (error, data, res) {
Method | Description |
ArrivalBoardApi.getArrivalBoard | Return the next 20 arrivals (or less if not existing) from a given point in time or the next arrivals in a given timespan. |
DepartureBoardApi.getDepartureBoard | Return the next 20 departures (or less if not existing) from a given point in time or the next departures in a given timespan. |
GeometryApi.getGeometry | Returns the polyline for a leg. |
JourneyDetailApi.getJourneyDetail | Returns information about the complete route of a trip. |
LivemapApi.livemap | Returns the positions of all vehicles in a given bounding box |
LocationApi.getAllStops | Returns a list of all stops available in the journey planner. |
LocationApi.getLocationByName | Returns a list of possible matches in the journey planner database |
LocationApi.getNearbyAddress | Returns the address nearest a given coordinate. |
LocationApi.getNearbyStops | Returns a list of stops around a given center coordinate. |
SysteminfoApi.getSystemInfo | Provides information about the journey planner and the underlying data |
TripApi.getTrip | Calculates a trip from a specified origin to a specified destination. |
If you just want to test things out you can use these sample credentials:
Don't forget to create your own credentials in the developer portal before going into production however since the sample ones might become invalid at any time.
This repository is mostly a simple mirror of the official api client, but a few changes were made to make it easier to work with.
Helper methods added:
client.authorize(key, secret, deviceId)
Fetches an access token with the specified key and secret and then authorizes the client with the it (cannot be used in the browser)client.setAccessToken(token)
Authorizes upcoming api calls with the specified access token
Monkey patches:
- JSON instead of XML is returned by default (see
) - Avoids duplicate api calls when using promises (see
- npm version patch|minor|major
- npm run deploy
You can post questions about Västtrafik's API in the developer forum. Also feel free posting issues or questions regarding this mirror here on github.