
Simple utility to encrypt, store, retrieve and decrypt text

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vaultTool from '';




Module and command line interface (cli) for encrypting, storing retrieving, and decrypting text. Encrypted text entries are retrieved by keys (names) in a JSON file stored in your home directory.

npm install -g vault-tool
vault --help

export VAULT_PASS=secret

vault set <key> <text>
vault get <key>
vault remove <key>

or add to your own package

npm install --save vault-tool

and add a run script to your package.json file to access the cli:

"scripts": {
  "vault": "vault"

This works because npm adds node_modules/.bin to the path when executing a package run script. Invoke like this:

npm run vault

Vault password

Vault requires that the VAULT_PASS environment variable be set before use.

export VAULT_PASS=secret

You probably want to store the password in your shell profile.

Note: you can use different passwords to encrypt/decrypt different text entries. You can supply the password directly on the command line, like this:

VAULT_PASS=secret vault set <key> <text>
VAULT_PASS=secret vault get <key>
VAULT_PASS=secret vault remove <key>


var vault = require('vault-tool');

vault.put(key, plainText, function(err) {

vault.get(key, function(err, plainText) {

vault.remove(key, function(err) {

// utility methods

var cipherText = vault.encrypt(key, plainText, function(err, cipherText);

var plainText = vault.decrypt(key, cipherText, function(err, plainText);