T9 search (search via telephone keyboard) for VBB public transport stations.
npm install vbb-stations-t9
The module uses the language-independent/latin
keypad from the telephone-keypads
module to match numbers with text and additionaly replaces spaces with 0
// subset of the used keyboard (there are actually more than just
// 3 letters associated with the number 2, e.g. 'ä' or 'á')
// -------------------------
// | | ABC | DEF |
// | 1 | 2 | 3 |
// -------------------------
// | GHI | JKL | MNO |
// | 4 | 5 | 6 |
// -------------------------
// | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ |
// | 7 | 8 | 9 |
// -------------------------
// | | | |
// | * | 0 | # |
const search = require('vbb-stations-t9')
search('966') // "zoo" -> top result is "zoologischer garten"
search('725707849') // "pakr ruhw" (sic!) -> top result is "park ruhwald"
This module uses a lot of logic originally written by @derhuerst for his vbb-stations-autocomplete package.
If you found a bug or want to propose a feature, feel free to visit the issues page.