
The background and layout of the app's viewport and app area.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vclAppArea from '';


VCL app-area

The background and layout of the app's viewport and app area.


Sets @viewport { width: device-width; }.

Introduces the following concept:

  • The app viewport which is the highest level content container (in HTML this should be the body tag) and defines its background color.

  • The app area which holds high level areas like header, content, footer, sidebar etc. Layout-wise it defines the boundary for these elements relative to the viewport.

The vclLayoutWidth utility class can be used to give containers the width of the app area. This is useful if containers with a 100% spanning background are needed and the actual content should be limited to the width of the layout.


Viewport with centered app area which contains the main content area:

basic example


  • vclViewport: In HTML the body tag.
  • vclViewportBg: Utility to apply the background color of the viewport.
  • vclApp: Main application area.
  • vclLayoutWidth: Utility to apply the width of the app area.



  • --app-viewport-bg-color
  • --app-area-bg-color
  • --app-area-max-width
  • --app-area-min-width


example.html on GH-pages.