
VC Lab's code style.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vclabsCodeStyle from '';



VC Lab's code style repo.

Getting Started

  1. In your project, install vclabs-code-style as a dev dependency:

    yarn add -D vclabs-code-style
  2. In the root of your project, create a .eslintrc.yml file with the following content:

      - './node_modules/vclabs-code-style/<choose-your-file>.yml'
    parser: babel-eslint

    The available templates are:

    • eslint-es6.yml: Plain ES6 rules.
    • eslint-es6-react.yml: The above, plus React-specific rules.
    • eslint-react-a11y.yml: The above, plus a11y-specific rules.
  3. In your project, install eslint as a dev dependency:

    yarn add -DE eslint