
VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer provides a simple API designed to perform install and upgrade operations for Kubernetes Helm based configuration APPs hosted in a Version Control System (curretly supports Git and TFS).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vcsHostedK8sHelmInstaller from '';


VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer

Build Status

VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer provides a simple API designed to perform install and upgrade operations for Kubernetes Helm based configuration APPs hosted in a Version Control System (curretly supports Git and TFS).


VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer is available as npm package.

$ npm install vcs-hosted-k8s-helm-installer

Usage example

This example uses VCS Getter library which is not a dependency of VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer, so you must install it in addition to VCS Hosted Kubernetes Helm Installer:

$ npm install vcs-getter
#!/usr/bin/env node

const { VCSGetter } = require("vcs-getter");
const { Installer } = require("vcs-hosted-k8s-helm-installer");

async function myExample() {
    const installer = new Installer({
        namespace: "vcs-hosted-k8s-helm-installer", 
        globalValues: { "replicaCount": 2 },
        vcsGetter: new VCSGetter()

    try {
        await installer.installOrUpgrade({
          name: "appname",
          source: "",
          values: {
            cpuLimit: "500m"
    } finally {

myExample().catch(e => console.error(e));