
we chat

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vct from '';


this is test version.

this module is cli chat tool. maked for fun.


npm i -g vct


step 1 : vc reg [username] [password]

step 2 : vc start

step 3 : vc create [room] [password : if not set , this room will be public]

step 4 : vc send [your word]

other usage

vc list , list public room , when vc create ,just put room name

vc join [room] [password : if set], join other room

current chat server is test. a little slow..

this module is frontend of @vst [current vst is not update. comming soon..][npm i vst --save-dev]

any problem ,mail me, thanks.