VCT Survey component
This component can be used for any survey that has multiselect and/or textearea question types. Component uses two props:
- endpoint
- data
Endpoint is a string which represents submit endpoint, e.g. ''. Data is a Javascript object that represents questions. One example of data object is here:
description: 'Description of survey. For example: Thank you for using this application. Would you provide us your thoughts?',
questions: [
question: 'First question?',
type: 'multiselect',
options: {
'Answer 1': false,
'Answer 2': false,
'Answer 3': false,
question: 'Second question?',
type: 'textarea'
For now, the component supports only textarea and multiselect question types. In case of multiselect question, boolean value indicates wheater the answer should be selected initially or not.