Node module that helps make 'Visa Consumer Transaction Controls' API calls easier.
- Use a new or an existing npm project.
- Run ‘npm install vctc-sdk’ in your project.
- Require ‘vctc-sdk’ in your project.
- Pass your auth-credentials as parameters while instantiating the API.
- Pass the request body, headers and others query parameters (if required) as parameters while making the API calls.
npm install vctc-sdk
var vctcSdk = require('vctc-sdk');
var authCredientials = {
userId: "Enter your userId here",
password: "Enter your password here ",
keyFile: "Enter path to key.pem here",
certificateFile: "Enter path to cert.pem here",
var programAdministrationApi = new vctcSdk.programAdministrationAPI(authCredientials);
var parameters = {
body: {} // Enter your request body here
// Enter header or query parameters if required
.then(function (result) {
// Put your custom logic here
console.log('Result is:' + JSON.stringify(result.body));
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Error is: ' + error);