
React native bridge library that delegates to vdocipher native android SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vdocipherRnBridge from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vdocipher-rn-bridge';




  1. This is a work in progress. Please contact us at support@vdocipher.com before using it in your application
  2. IOS is not supported. Only Android support available. IOS support will be added in future.
  3. Currently, it is not possible to get any events or callbacks from Android player activity. The video will open in a new native activity outside of the react native setup. Back button will take the user from the player activity to home activity.

React native library for integrating vdocipher android sdk into your react native app.

Getting started

$ npm install vdocipher-rn-bridge --save

For installation you can choose either automatic or manual installation:

Note: If your app uses react-native version >= 0.60.0, you can skip the linking instructions. No explicit linking is required as new rn versions use autolinking for native modules.

Automatic installation

$ react-native link vdocipher-rn-bridge

Manual installation


iOS is currently not supported.


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainActivity.java
  • Add import com.vdocipher.rnbridge.VdocipherRnBridgePackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new VdocipherRnBridgePackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':vdocipher-rn-bridge'
    project(':vdocipher-rn-bridge').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/vdocipher-rn-bridge/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':vdocipher-rn-bridge')

Installation troubleshooting

If you encounter a build error for android project like 'Cannot find com.vdocipher.aegis:vdocipher-android:X.X.X', you may need to add the following maven repository to your android/build.gradle under allprojects -> repositories:

maven {
    url "https://github.com/VdoCipher/maven-repo/raw/master/repo"

Try the demo app

To run the example react-native app included in this repo, clone this repo to your development machine, and run the example app:

$ mkdir vdocipher-react-native && cd vdocipher-react-native

$ git clone https://github.com/VdoCipher/vdocipher-react-native.git .

$ npm install && cd example && npm install

$ npx react-native run-android


Launch a video in a fullscreen player

import { startVideoScreen } from 'vdocipher-rn-bridge';

startVideoScreen({embedInfo: {otp: 'some-otp', playbackInfo: 'some-playbackInfo'}});

Embed a video in your react native layout

import { VdoPlayerView } from 'vdocipher-rn-bridge';

const embedInfo = {otp: 'some-otp', playbackInfo: 'some-playbackInfo'};

// in JSX

  style={{height: 200, width: '100%'}}

VdoPlayerView props

VdoPlayerView event props

VdoPlayerView methods



Property Type Description
otp string a valid otp
playbackInfo string a valid playbackInfo
forceLowestBitrate boolean whether to force lowest bitrate; default false
forceHighestSupportedBitrate boolean whether to force highest supported bitrate; default false
maxVideoBitrateKbps number maximum allowed video bitrate in kbps
bufferingGoalMs number buffering goal in milliseconds, NOT recommended to change this value for most use cases; cannot be set to a value less than 15000


Controls whether natively embedded player controls are shown.

  • true (default) - show native controls
  • false - hide native controls


Controls whether playback will progress if the player is in ready state.

  • true (default) - play when ready
  • false - pause playback


Controls the playback speed; can be used once the player is loaded.

  • 1.0 (default) - play at normal speed of the video
  • Other values - slow down or speed up playback

Event props


Callback function invoked when a native VdoPlayer is created.

Typically, no handling is required when this is called. The internal player will automatically load the embedInfo provided in props.


Callback function invoked when a VdoPlayer creation failed due to some reason. Playback will not happen.

The error details are provided in the payload under errorDescription.


Property Type Description
errorDescription object error details


Property Type Description
errorCode number an integer identifying the error
errorMsg string short message description of the error
httpStatusCode number http status code if relevant, -1 otherwise


Callback function invoked when a new video starts loading.


Callback function invoked when a new video has successfully loaded. Playback can begin now.


Callback function invoked when a video failed to load due to some reason.

The error details are provided in the payload under errorDescription.


Property Type Description
errorDescription object error details
embedInfo object embedInfo for which the error occurred


Property Type Description
errorCode number an integer identifying the error
errorMsg string short message description of the error
httpStatusCode number http status code if relevant, -1 otherwise


Callback function invoked when player state changes.


Property Type Description
playerState string one of 'idle', 'buffering', 'ready' or 'ended'
playWhenReady boolean whether playback will progress if playerState is 'ready'


Callback function invoked to provided playback time updates.


Property Type Description
currentTime number current playback time in milliseconds


Callback function invoked to provide buffered time updates.


Property Type Description
bufferTime number current buffered time in milliseconds


Callback function invoked when playback speed changes.


Property Type Description
playbackSpeed number current playback speed


Callback function invoked when available or selected track changes.


Property Type Description
availableTracks object[] array of available track objects
selectedTracks object[] array of currently selected track objects


Property Type Description
id number an integer identifying the track
type string one of 'audio', 'video', 'captions', 'combined' or 'unknown'
language string optional: language of track if relevant
bitrate number optional: bitrate in bps if relevant
width number optional: width resolution if relevant
height number optional: height resolution if relevant otherwise


Callback function invoked when a video reached end of playback.


Callback function invoked when video playback is interrupted due to an error.

The error details are provided in the payload under errorDescription.


Property Type Description
errorDescription object error details
embedInfo object embedInfo for which the error occurred


Property Type Description
errorCode number an integer identifying the error
errorMsg string short message description of the error
httpStatusCode number http status code if relevant, -1 otherwise


Callback function invoked when the player enters fullscreen.


Callback function invoked when the player exits fullscreen.


Callback function invoked when additional playback properties are requested using the getPlaybackProperties method.


Methods operate on a ref to the VdoPlayerView element. You can create a ref like this:

<VdoPlayerView ref={player => this._player = player}



Enter fullscreen mode.



Exit fullscreen mode.



Request additional playback properties. The callback onPlaybackProperties is invoked with the results.